ULF Wave Propagation Observations and modelling the wave mode evolution of an impulse-driven 3 mHz ULF wave Presented at the Royal Astronomical Society Discussion Meeting 8th January 2010 Author: Dr. James D. Borderick
The Plot shows the filtered FFT analysis of the 10 second DOPE data (panel (a)) with the X (panel (b)) and Y (panel (c)) components of the field FFT of the Tromsø IMAGE magnetometer We can clearly see the 3.05 mHz ULF wave in all three of the panels. We show that the resampling of the DOPE data from 12.8 seconds to 10 seconds now makes analysis with the IMAGE FFT satisfactory
The Plots show the power and phase as recorded in each of the IMAGE magnetometers for the x component of the field. The overplotted dashed green line shows the position of Tromsø The overplotted blue solid line shows the peak power station The overplotted red dashed line shows the fitted phase
Cross Phase showing a Phase Evolution
Can we observe an evolution of wave mode in the ionosphere as the impulsive wave evolves towards FLR?