AZMerit Testing Tips
Remember This Testing Tip! Read of the directions before you answer the question.
Remember This Testing Tip! Don’t waste your energy being nervous! and do your best!
Remember This Testing Tip! at a reasonable time each night before testing (6-8 hours of sleep is best)
Remember This Testing Tip! Eat a good breakfast. Skipping breakfast is not ideal; neither is overeating.
Remember This Testing Tip! Answer question to the best of your abilities!
Remember This Testing Tip! Do not allow yourself to be distracted by noises or movements around you.
Remember This Testing Tip! Don’t race through the test. This test is not timed and you will be given the time to complete all the questions.
Remember This Testing Tip! If you are not sure, FLAG THE QUESTION and come back to it later.
Remember This Testing Tip! Once you have answered all of the questions go back and CHECK your ANSWERS.
Remember This Testing Tip! YES Tip #10: Be sure you answered all of the questions as thoroughly as you can.
Remember This Testing Tip! Use your scratch paper! It is there for you to write any notes or problems down.