The French Revolution Topic: Reign of Terror Learning Target: I can explain how Maximilien Robespierre contribute to Reform & Terror I can: a) Explain why the Jacobins started the Reign of Terror b) Describe Robespierre’s dreams for France c) Explain what Robespierre thought about the King d)
Did everyone like the new Constitution? Political Parties formed in the newly elected Legislative Assembly The assembly was seated by their political views Political division led to unrest and violence Left Center Right Radical Moderate Reactionary Support Republic want major change Known as Jacobins Support Constitutional Monarchy Want some change Support Absolute Monarchy Want to return to the old way
Why did France become a Republic? Strong Distrust of the King and Queen Austria, Prussia and Sardinia declare war on France – fearful that Revolutions will spread to their own country Radicals voted for the King’s imprisonment
What was the French Republic? A government without a King Constitution limits the power of the leaders elected by the people. Every man could vote (If you owned land)
War & Extreme Measures War with Austria and Prussia - Legislative Assembly declares war on both - Both want to replace Louis to the throne Why? Radicals execute Louis - Jacobins guide Legislative Assembly to convict Louis of treason and execute him Citizen army - National Guard
Radical Phase of Revolution Maximilien Robespierre Bourgeoisie take over the Legislative Assembly – formed to create laws Maximilien Robespierre becomes leader of radical change Motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Terror Grips France Jacobins (radicals) have many enemies in France: Foreign army Peasants: horrified by beheading of Louis Moderates & Conservatives (Former clergy & nobles)
Maximilien Robespierre Assumes Control Want RADICAL change Wipe out traces of Frances history of Monarchy & Nobility Changed Calendar Wanted people to change names
Committee of Public Safety The committees job was to determine who was an enemy of the new republic or not For one whole year, July 1793-July 1794, Committee oversaw Reign of Terror! They used the guillotine – a device that efficiently beheaded “enemies” captured.
Reign of Terror
France turns on Robespierre By July of 1794, no one felt safe with Robespierre. The Committee of Public Safety arrests Robespierre. Shouting “Down with the Tyrant” Robespierre is found guilty of treason and beheaded. This ends the Reign of Terror.