What kind of tectonic activity does Japan experience? Why do they experience these types of activity? Why does Japan have very little arable land? How have the Japanese adapted to a small percentage of arable land? How have homes been adapted in Japan? How can the Japanese culture be described? What three religions dominate in Japan? How have the Japanese tried to reduce pollution of the environment?
Japan “Land of the Rising Sun” x
Physical Characteristics Archipelago the size of California 4 large islands, 3,900 small islands Ring of Fire Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis Typhoons Temperate climate Mountainous Little arable land (10-15%)
Land Use Build up and underground Building land in deltas and wetlands Terracing
One of the highest population densities in the world Population Density One of the highest population densities in the world 7,219 people per square mile
Housing Apartments smaller than typical American family room (video) Multiple use rooms, futons Tiny appliances Bonsai trees Cremated after death Capsule hotels
Transportation Average commute 90 minutes in Tokyo Extensive and efficient public transportation system Pushers (video) Bullet trains Traffic jams Parking
Japanese Culture Homogenous Middle Class Highly educated Crowded urban areas
Religious Influences Secular lives Shintoism Buddhism Confucianism Worship forces of nature and spirits of ancestors, Alters in homes, prayers and sacrifices Buddhism Spiritual enlightenment, live selflessly and modestly Confucianism Respect wisdom of authority, importance of common good
Health Pollution, Acid Rain Strict environmental laws Masks Garbage, Recycling
Koreas A Land of Opposites
Common Cultural Characteristics Invasions throughout history Borrowed from Chinese culture writing system Language Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism
Korean War 1949: US withdrew from south Fought for 3 years At end of WWII, USSR occupied North Korea and USA occupied South Korea USSR established communist gov’t in North Korea 1949: US withdrew from south 1950: North Korea launched a surprise attack on South Korea USSR and China supported North Korea US and UN supported South Korea Fought for 3 years Korean War
Korean War Results: Why was it fought? 4 million people died Cease-fire agreement in 1953 at 38N parallel – still in effect today Demilitarized zone Still divided and hostile Why was it fought? The goal of North Korea attacking South Korea was to unite the two countries as a single communist country.
North Korea Today 23 million people Continental climate – cold Lower population density Rural Continental climate – cold Mountainous and rugged Hydroelectric power Resource poor
North Korea Today Agricultural economy Isolated, secretive Communist Low standard of living since 1991 (fall of USSR) Kim Jong-un Withdrew from Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1993
South Korea Today 47 million people ¼ population in Seoul Densely populated Climate mild because of surrounding water Less mountainous, plains More arable land
South Korea Today Industrialized Nuclear energy Economic growth with international trade Exporter of textiles, automobiles, electronics