Computers By: Amadi Pinkney
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS Have you ever wondered what changed in computers from 1946 to now? In this slideshow, you will discover the past and future of computers. Press the gray button to start!
THE PAST Here we are in the past! And here comes Charles Babbage!
Wow! You must had worked hard!
I can’t wait what happens if we press this button!
THE PRESENT Home sweet home is back! Now let’s learn about computers today.
ENIAC VS. LAPTOPS ENIAC Enormous Clunky Too hard to make Too many buttons No capabilities Laptops Smaller than ENIAC Portable Less hard to make About 3 or 2 buttons More capabilities
1st 2nd
What’s this?
THE FUTURE Whoa! We traveled in the future! Let’s see what computers look like! Amazing technology they have! I guess we should go back home! OK then, let’s see it! Wait! There’s more!
No way! Meet my friends!
Computer cycle
CONCLUSION In conclusion, computers have changed from the past to now. That’s why I think computers are amazing and super cool. They are helpful and cool because you can use it for education, entertainment, art and even design, and if I had my own computer, it will be a Windows 8 Metro (for my own room).