Recent changes to Mosflm further improvements to autoindexing Windows port (using Cygwin & MinGW) output for DNA & BEST changes for new GUI use multi-circle goniostat angles from image headers restructuring for easier maintenance more complete strategy for monoclinic made indexing from current GUI and command line identical allow rhombohedral settings in indexing lots of bug fixes
Recent changes to Mosflm autoindexing version 6.2.5: DPS code changed to reduce numerical instability across platforms new features: minimum cell edge can now be specified triclinic basis solution can be refined prior to applying Bravais symmetry distortion index as an indicator of solution quality version 6.2.4: exclude spots near ice (or other) rings
Future work testing mosaic spread refinement continue restructuring for easier maintenance changes for new GUI general maintenance & development continue work on Windows port finish implementing multi-circle goniostat code spot positions in post-refinement new Mosflm paper