1 Project Management
2 Mission and governance and scope Users and Usage Technical and funding assistance for some countries Support and involvement and communication (political and survey) Timescales and planning Resources and funding Relationships with others Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights Project Management
3 Mission and governance and scope OneGeology is a Geological Survey project launched in the International Year of Planet Earth which will make web- accessible, for use by society, the best available geological map data worldwide at a scale of about 1:1 million.
4 governance OneGeology should be managed by a Steering Committee, consisting of representatives (regional) geological surveys Steering committee should be chaired by a representative of the larger science community (independent of geological survey management) OneGeology is the preferred name and focus A light touch international coordinating/advisory panel will provide guidance with respect to OneGeology and related initiatives (eg CGMW 25/5)
5 Scope Landmasses should be an initial focus OneGeology should include Antarctica Marine data to be included (but aware of political sensitivities - UNCLOS)
6 Users and usage Recognise that straight geology has few end- users outside geoscience community….. But it is an absolutely first and essential infrastructure OneGeology needs a quick win application component Application(s) and higher resolution mapping should be nested and interoperable with OneGeology
7 Benefits for Geological Surveys Marketing tool for their data Share and exchange expertise Increase efficiency/best practice Capacity building Contribution of all Surveys to IYPE
8 Technical and funding assistance Possibly divide into 3 groups….countries who –Need help –Can do –Can do and give help Identify government agenda not the Geo Survey agenda International agencies and World Bank Wary of informatics industry support Be aware of sustainable development support Viable goals and good consortium will help get funding Do not be insular (ie just geoscience)
9 Data ownership and Intellectual Property Each nation should own its data and be responsible for it Distributed system preferred Available at no or low cost 1:1 million commercial possibilities – probably no business case Full extent of IPR will be resolved later – not a show-stopper
10 Recruitment, more surveys/political support Regional approach Absence from this workshop does necessarily equate with lack of interest Get the train moving and let people join (press kits to be available)
11 Timescales and planning Refer to informatics powerpoint (next) Publication – powerpoints on ftp for all, inputs into draft report Report progress IGC 2008 and IGC 2012
12 Next steps Need for a secretariat At BGS for 1 year (funding available) Select steering committee members Suggest Ian Jackson as Exec Secretary (pro tem) But ….. Only for 1 year and to be reviewed then OneGeology is not and cannot be seen to be a BGS initiative ISCGM offer of place on ISCGM board
13 Conclusion Remarkable agreement in this breakout Highly constructive and positive input Gives us great confidence for the future of OneGeology