Learning Media for Elementary School Grade VI/1 Ni Wayan Suartiningsih 3035 VIA
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Competence Standard Competence Basic Competence To spell and rewrite a very simple form of written English within the class context. Basic Competence To rewrite a simple English vocabulary accurately and acceptably.
Indicators To rewrite and match the word with the appropriate picture. To write the names of stationary, adjective and animal correctly and match with accurate picture.
Material Animals Feeling Stationary Rabbit Dog Owl Pig
Material Animals Feeling Stationary Pen Pencil Book Ruler
Material Animals Feeling Stationary Happy Sad Angry Shy
Evaluation 5 2 3 4 1 What is it? It is … A. Dog B. Pig C. Owl D. Rabbit 5
Evaluation 5 2 3 4 1 A. Book B. Pencil C. Pen D. Ruler What is it? It is … 2 A. Book B. Pencil 3 C. Pen 4 D. Ruler 5
What is the picture expression? Evaluation 1 What is the picture expression? 2 3 A. Shy C. Happy 4 B. Sad D. Angry 5
Evaluation 5 2 3 4 1 A. Pencil B. Ruler C. Pen D. Book What is it? It is … 2 A. Pencil B. Ruler 3 C. Pen 4 D. Book 5
Evaluation 1 What is it? It is … 2 A. Cat B. Dog 3 C. Owl 4 D. Pig 5
Congratulation Evaluation
Ups! Sorry! Evaluation