Spetember 16
WSQ video instructions: W- “what” – the video title Welcome ASL 1 Today- Please copy the entire Doorbuster below (purple & black) ---Open “Side by Side” app on your iPads to view this Doorbuster and the next instructions--- WSQ video instructions: W- “what” – the video title S- “Summary” – a 1 or 2 sentence summary of what you watched Q- “Question” – a question, comment, or thought as you reflect on what you saw (at least 1) Finished? Begin to study the YouTube videos for Survival Signs and SN Units 1 and 2- copy each once
ASL 1- Today: 1. Doorbuster 2. Side by Side App- learn how to use it; review SN Unit 1 and 2, and Survival Signs; complete written assignment if needed 3. Complete the google form 4. Ticket Out: Test information (Survival Signs- test Thursday) and Q And A discussion from Friday’s WSQ