August 24 Chapter 2 Cannon
Please Turn in Chapter 2, Key Issue 1 Bellwork – August 23 Please Turn in Chapter 2, Key Issue 1 In what kind of environments do people want to live? Come up with 3 examples!
Homework: Chapter 2, Key Issue 2 (Due 8/24) Agenda: Homework: Chapter 2, Key Issue 2 (Due 8/24) KBAT – online Key Dates Notes: Population Distribution 4 Level Map Analysis
Key Dates – Chapter 2 Population Chapter 2 Quiz – August 30th (Map is Due) Chapter 2 Practice FRQ – September 4 Chapter 2 Exam – September 10/11 Key Issue 3 – Assigned Monday the 27 (Due 8/29) Key Issue 4 – Assigned Wednesday the 29 (Due 8/31)
You will be able to analyze a map of population density in writing. Objective: You will be able to analyze a map of population density in writing.
Australia is wider than the moon! Fun Fact Australia is wider than the moon!
ALL TEST MAKE UPS MUST BE DONE BY 8/28 Test Debrief ALL TEST MAKE UPS MUST BE DONE BY 8/28 Grades will be up-to-date (through Chapter 1) by Friday Test corrections ONCE a Quarter
Please create another book mark for this unit in your notebook Ch. 2 Population Please create another book mark for this unit in your notebook
I. Population Distribution
A. Population Concentrations Demography: the study of population Ecumene: the portion of the Earth’s surface where people can live Population clusters
Population concentrations Concentration – the SHAPE the density takes
a. East Asia
b. South Asia
c. Europe
d. Southeast Asia
White Boards... 1. Based on the notes, where do most people live? 2. What are the implications of this population distribution?
Please Turn in Chapter 2, Key Issue 2 Bellwork – August 23 Please Turn in Chapter 2, Key Issue 2 What are the implications surrounding the distribution of the world’s population?
Monday’s Homework: Chapter 2, Key Issue 3 (Due 8/29) Agenda: Friday’s Homework: Sleep Continue Notes: Population Distribution 4 Level Map Analysis Monday’s Homework: Chapter 2, Key Issue 3 (Due 8/29)
You will be able to analyze a map of population density in writing. Objective: You will be able to analyze a map of population density in writing.
California has more people than all of Canada. Fun Fact California has more people than all of Canada. Canada: 35.85 million. California: 39.14 million. (According to data from 2015.)
A.K.A. where people don’t live B. Sparsely Populated A.K.A. where people don’t live Nonecumene: the uninhabited parts of the planet, where people can’t easily survive
a. Deserts/Tundra
b. Swamps, River deltas, everglades
b. Swamps, River deltas, everglades
b. Swamps, River deltas, everglades
c. Arctic and Antarctica
d. Tops of mountains, high plateaus
d. Tops of mountains, high plateaus
List one major geographic feature for each nonecumene. White boards… List one major geographic feature for each nonecumene.
These show up in both Nonecumene AND ecumene 3. Natural Hazards These show up in both Nonecumene AND ecumene Hurricanes, Typhoons, Flooding Desertification, Earthquakes, Volcanoes Avalanches, Mudslides
Discuss What are some ways that humans change the environment so that we can turn nonecumene into ecumene?
Describe the relationship between ecumene and population. Ticket out the door Define ecumene Define nonecumene. Describe the relationship between ecumene and population.
4 Level Map Analysis – pg. 46 What do you see? Do you comprehend the map? Where do you see things? (patterns, unique things) Why there? (Connect this to the patterns and unique things from 2) So what? Connect this to what we know about geography. Summarize what the map is saying. Why is this map important? BULLET POINTS COMPLETE SENTENCES