NEIGHBOR’S SAVING NEIGHBOR’S CPR/AED Community Emergency Alert Program
Finding Program Information Go to
The Program Documentation is generic, but the examples used are from The Villages program
Log in with Username & Password
Your account will open . . . > Click on Select an Account drop-down menu (upper right) and select your AED Community.
Select your AED group from the list. > Open your group Select your AED group from the list. > Open your group. Your group contact list will open and you can view each responder’s contact information. You can also download the group into an Excel spreadsheet.
How does the alerting process work? . . .
Billing Services Billed by responder household . . . Not per responder New Group – begins the following month of going live Snowbirds – billed for 12 months New Responding Household – billing starts in month added to cycle end. Deleted Household – refunded on next billing cycle. No refund for month deleted. Replaced Deleted – charged for months active. Credit for month(s) RAID (ReadyAlert ID) is vacant. Billing Month – shown in RA Account
Phone/Text ID Caller ID - (727) 528 – 0077 (add number in contact list and name it Cardiac Arrest) Responders need to tell you when they change carriers. Text messages may not be delivered for sometime.
Changes/Suspension/Un-Suspension/Removal Data is Read-Only To make changes, suspend, un-suspend or remove a responder(s), submit a support ticket to
ALTERNATES There is not a charge for an Alternate An Alternate is a responder(s) who can fill in for a primary (paid) responder(s) while he/she is out of town. This would included a responder(s) on extended vacation (more than one month) and would include snowbirds
For Additional Information Email Larry Scovotto at