Blood Types Some red blood cells have substances on the surface of the cell membranes - two types A or B (called agglutinogens) - passed from genes of parents - blood types determined by ABO system.
Group A Substance A is present on your red blood cells A
Group B Substance B is present on your red blood cells B
Group AB Substances A and B are both present on your RBC’S A B
Group O Contains neither substance A nor substance B on your RBC’s.
Rhesus Factor - first observed in Monkeys, humans later - Commonly: Rh factor
Rhesus Factor Rh – positive if present your red blood cells Rh Rh – negative if you do not have this factor on your red blood cells.
Rh Factor Distribution Rh - positive ( Rh +) 85% Rh – negative ( Rh -) 15%
DISTRIBUTION in Quebec Group O 46% ( O+ : 39%, O- : 7% ) Group A 42% ( A+ : 36%, A- : 6% ) Group B 9% ( B+ : 7.5%, B- : 1.5% ) Group AB 3% ( AB+ : 2.5%, AB- : 0.5% )
Determining Blood Type What blood types are these? A B + B +
Compatibility of blood types
Blood Transfusions BLOOD TRANSFUSION entails the injection of blood into a person Donor: a person who gives blood for the purpose of a transfusion. Recipient: a person who receives blood from a transfusion
Primary Rule for Blood Transfusions Donor’s red blood cell membrane must not carry substances that differ from those on the red blood cell membranes of the recipient.
Bill is type B+ Therefore, Can receive: B+, B-, O+, O- Cannot receive: A+, A-, AB+, AB-
Blood Compatibility Means that one person can receive blood from another person
Blood Transfusions Transfusions are possible when donor & recipient have the same blood types. Type O- can donate to anybody so they are called UNIVERSAL DONORS Type AB+ can receive blood from anybody so they are called UNIVERSAL RECIPIENTS
Rules for blood typing Rh - Rh + (and its own type)
AGGLUTINATION 1. When blood is transfused between incompatible blood types (recipient receives FOREIGN agglutinogens) 2. Antibodies called agglutinins in recipients plasma 3. Antibodies attach to foreign blood and clump! 4. Leads to clogging of blood vessels and can kill the recipient
Blood Typing To test a person’s blood type, place a few drops of blood into 3 wells that contain the anti-A, anti-B, and anti-Rh serum. If the blood agglutinates it means that it is present.
Blood Typing Blood added to test serums Conclusion-type A blood
What blood types are these? 1 2 3 4 What blood types are these? Examine the slides below and determine the blood type of the subject in each case. Click below to check your answer.