Vibrational Energies and Full Analytic Potential Energy Functions from Pure MW Data of PbI for v = 0 – 6 , and of InI for v = 0-14
Previous work on PbI (i):
Previous work on PbI (i):
Previous work on PbI (ii):
Previous work on PbI (ii):
Previous work on PbI (iii):
What are we trying to do?
What did we do ?
Just so you know,
1) e.g., experimental data & PGopher analysis for v = 6
2) To obtain “mechanical” information data from these band-by-band results, use conventional spectroscopic expression to generate sets of synthetic pure rotational transition energies
2) To obtain “mechanical” information data from these band-by-band results, use conventional spectroscopic expression to generate sets of synthetic pure rotational transition energies … and a standard regression analysis expression to estimate their uncertainties
This yields,
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
3) Perform a `Direct-Potential-Fit’ analysis:
Below are the plots of ω0 and dd vs. β0
“ A little disappointment ” .. ???
Results: the most accurate fit to this pure MW PbI data for v=0-6 with re , β1 and β2 free was obtained for β0 = 1.24, and the properties of the resulting potential energy function for levels v=0-11 are shown below:
Our EMO potential for PbI
uBv & uGv vs. v
InI: ω0 and dd vs. β0