Remember that the order of operations does multiplication before addition, but the order was changed by using the parenthesis to force the addition first.
This is an html page that I am using to collect data This is an html page that I am using to collect data. It is a form with a variety of options and the page is organized using a table.
I have scrolled down and selected The elephant and lumbered.
Now I have selected the radio button for down the hill Now I have selected the radio button for down the hill. I also selected green next as you will see on the next slide.
I have now brought up the php that shows the result I have now brought up the php that shows the result. You can see only the style and the sentence when you do a view source. This is the code from the html page, not the php page.
Please remember that I reversed by true and false by mistake so I am not being historically accurate - sorry! Note that I do now.