RcLIS towards a Digital Library for Information Science José Manuel Barrueco Cruz Imma Subirats i Coll 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
1. We are going to talk... About a digital library: RcLIS What is RcLIS? Research in Computing, Library and Information Science [http://rclis.openlib.org] Inspired by the open source software movement Managed by a team of volunteers made up of professionals (librarians, computer scientist or economics) from countries like Spain, Italy, USA, Bosnia or India 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
2. Objectives of RcLIS Develop a digital library for Information Science Compile and place in the public domain metadata about research documents Facilitate the access to the freely documents available on the Internet Create a process to interchange bibliografic information and electronic documents 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
3. RcLIS architecture (1) Built on a distributed architecture Two categories of participants: Archives: data providers Services: provide some added value to metadata Rules of the interchange of metadata from archives to services: Guildford Protocol ReDIF (bibliographic format) 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
3. RcLIS architecture (2) 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
4. Characteristics of RcLIS (1) Archives Structure of directories and files defined in an FTP or HTTP server ASCII files Three main data providers RcLIS:jul (University of Salamanca, Spain) RcLIS:upv (Polythecnic University of Valencia, Spain) RcLIS:aib (Associazione italiana Biblioteche. Italy) Services DoIS, Documents in Information Science [http://dois.Mimas.ac.uk] 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
4. Characteristics of RcLIS (2) RcLIS holds metadata about 13.000 documents (6.900 in electronic format and freely available) Failed to get on board the main content providers of the discipline Why? No tradition of preprints and working papers, publication concentrated in journals and conference proceedings Organised by large societies and institutions, and don’t see clearly the advantages 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
5. Does it needs any improvement? We need new data input methods Self-archiving (Stevan Harnard) A new concept E-prints Authors are the only owners of the documents they produce They can store them in their home pages or in public archives higher visibility for their works But…in those place documents are of little interest if we can’t interoperate and interchange metadata… Open Archives Initiative came to solve this problem 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
6. Open Archives Initiative [http://www.openarchives.org] Service O A I Author EndUser Archive Author Service Author 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
7. E-LIS [http://eprints.rclis.org] International open access archive for Eprints of Library and Information Science and related disciplines We created E-LIS in January 2003 Its objective is to make the full text of scientific documents… Visible, accessible, harvestable, searchable and useable… …by any potential user with access to the Internet Totally free for any user 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
8. Similar initiatives @rchiveSIC DLIST centred in France OAI data provider DLIST centred in USA Only documents in english Why another archive for LIS is needed? Alternative to the author International effort without language or geographical restrictions 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
9. Characteristics of E-LIS Built using the eprints software developed at the University of Southampton Contribution policy very simple Any document related by topic with LIS Available electronically Any format Must be relevant to research in LIS 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
10. Conclusions RcLIS is in transition phase Two types of archives and protocols live together We hope in the near future the old archives in Guildford Protocol will be moving forward to adopt the OAI-PMH model 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik
http://rclis.openlib.org http://dois.mimas.ac.uk http://eprints.rclis.org 12-ene-19 LIDA 2003 -- Dubrovnik