Start-Up - Discussion 11/9/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Do you believe that there are some things that you can not learn in school? Some things that only life can teach you? What are some examples of things you can only learn by living life?
Start-Up - Writing 11/9/17 Now write about the following: Do you believe that there are some things that you can not learn in school? Some things that only life can teach you? What are some examples of things you can only learn by living life?
The Outsiders Let’s look at the “What If” in your packet. Take a few minutes to write out your answer. Now let’s read through the introduction.
Introduction Questions And Key Concepts Word Webs DUE MONDAY! Homework Introduction Questions And Key Concepts Word Webs DUE MONDAY!
Exit Ticket 11/9/17 What were some of the stereotypes that S.E. Hinton broke when she wrote “The Outsiders?” Are there any stereotypes that are applied to you as a teenager? What are they? Do you think you fit those stereotypes or not?
Start-Up - Discussion Based on the title of the book: The Outsiders 11/13/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Based on the title of the book: The Outsiders What do you think the book will be about? What does the title suggest?
Start-Up - Writing Based on the title of the book: The Outsiders 11/13/17 Now write about the following: Based on the title of the book: The Outsiders What do you think the book will be about? What does the title suggest?
Exit Ticket 11/13/17 Why do you think the socs went after Ponyboy? Did he do anything to them? What reasons could they have for wanting to hurt him?
Start-Up - Discussion Based on the title of the book: The Outsiders 11/13/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Based on the title of the book: The Outsiders What do you think the book will be about? What does the title suggest?
Start-Up - Writing Based on the title of the book: The Outsiders 11/13/17 Now write about the following: Based on the title of the book: The Outsiders What do you think the book will be about? What does the title suggest?
Exit Ticket 11/13/17 Why do you think the socs went after Ponyboy? Did he do anything to them? What reasons could they have for wanting to hurt him?
Start-Up - Discussion 11/14/17 In your triads, discuss the following: What do we know about the main character, Ponyboy, so far? Think of everything we know about his appearance, his personality, etc. Based on what we know so far, do you think he is a good person?
Start-Up - Writing 11/14/17 Now write about the following: What do we know about the main character, Ponyboy, so far? Think of everything we know about his appearance, his personality, etc. Based on what we know so far, do you think he is a good person?
Homework Work on the question packet for Chapters 1 & 2. Answer as much as you can based on what we have read so far.
Exit Ticket 11/14/17 What is the difference between “tough” and “tuff?” What does Ponyboy mean when he says that, in their neighborhood, both are compliments?
Start-Up - Discussion What is the difference between 11/15/17 In your triads, discuss the following: What is the difference between “tough” and “tuff?” What does Ponyboy mean when he says that, in their neighborhood, both are compliments?
Start-Up - Writing What is the difference between “tough” and “tuff?” 11/15/17 Now write about the following: What is the difference between “tough” and “tuff?” What does Ponyboy mean when he says that, in their neighborhood, both are compliments?
Homework Work on the question packet for Chapters 1 & 2. Answer as much as you can based on what we have read so far.
Exit Ticket 11/15/17 What does Soda tell Ponyboy about why Darry yells at him? What does Ponyboy think? How does Ponyboy say that he feels about Darry?
Start-Up - Discussion 11/16/17 In your triads, discuss the following: How is Darry different from the rest of the gang? What does Ponyboy reveal about him that shows us that he is not the typical greaser? Do you think life has been fair to Darry? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Writing How is Darry different from the rest of the gang? 11/16/17 Now write about the following: How is Darry different from the rest of the gang? What does Ponyboy reveal about him that shows us that he is not the typical greaser? Do you think life has been fair to Darry? Why or why not?
Homework Work on the question packet for Chapters 1 & 2. Answer as much as you can based on what we have read so far.
Exit Ticket 11/16/17 Ponyboy says that they don’t mind being called greasers by other greasers. Why do you think that is? How is it different when a greaser says it?
NO Start-Up Today Let’s get right to reading! 11/17/17
Question packet for Chapters 1 & 2. DUE ON THE MONDAY WE COME BACK! Homework Question packet for Chapters 1 & 2. DUE ON THE MONDAY WE COME BACK!
NO Exit Ticket TODAY 11/17/17
Start-Up - Discussion 11/27/17 In your triads, discuss the following: How did Johnny change after he got jumped by the Socs? What does he do differently than he did before? Why do you think this might be important to the story? (foreshadowing)
Start-Up - Writing 11/27/17 Now write about the following: How did Johnny change after he got jumped by the Socs? What does he do differently than he did before? Why do you think this might be important to the story? (foreshadowing)
Homework Work on the question packet for Chapters 3 & 4. Answer as much as you can based on what we have read so far.
Exit Ticket 11/27/17 The car that approaches them and passes them is a blue Mustang. Why would that make Johnny nervous? What does that mean about Cherry’s boyfriend?
In your triads, discuss the following: Start-Up - Discussion 11/28/17 In your triads, discuss the following: We know that Ponyboy is not the typical greaser. Do you think that Cherry is the typical soc? Why or why not? How do you think this affects their ability to talk to each other so easily?
Now write about the following: Start-Up - Writing 11/28/17 Now write about the following: We know that Ponyboy is not the typical greaser. Do you think that Cherry is the typical soc? Why or why not? How do you think this affects their ability to talk to each other so easily?
Homework Work on the question packet for Chapters 3 & 4. Answer as much as you can based on what we have read so far.
Exit Ticket 11/28/17 Why do Cherry and Marcia decide to go with their boyfriends? Do you think this hurt Ponyboy’s feelings? Why or why not?
In your triads, discuss the following: Start-Up - Discussion 11/29/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Johnny says that there must be someplace without Greasers or Socs. Where does Ponyboy say is like that? What does he fall asleep thinking/dreaming about in the lot? Be specific.
Now write about the following: Start-Up - Writing 11/29/17 Now write about the following: Johnny says that there must be someplace without Greasers or Socs. Where does Ponyboy say is like that? What does he fall asleep thinking/dreaming about in the lot? Be specific.
Homework Work on the question packet for Chapters 3 & 4. Answer as much as you can based on what we have read so far.
Exit Ticket 11/29/17 How would you react if you were Ponyboy and you just found out Johnny had killed Bob? What would you be thinking about? What do you think Ponyboy and Johnny will do next?
Start-Up - Discussion 11/30/17 In your triads, discuss the following: How would you react if you were Ponyboy and you just found out Johnny had killed Bob? What would you be thinking about? What would your next move be?
Start-Up - Writing 11/30/17 Now write about the following: How would you react if you were Ponyboy and you just found out Johnny had killed Bob? What would you be thinking about? What would your next move be?
Homework Work on the question packet for Chapters 3 & 4. They are DUE by the end of the period TOMORROW!
Exit Ticket 11/30/17 Obviously Johnny and Pony can’t stay at the farm forever. What do you think will happen to them next? Write out your prediction.
Start-Up - Discussion 12/1/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Imagine you are Ponyboy and you have the chance to write a letter and have it delivered from the church to any one person back in town. Who would you write to? Why that person? What would you say in the letter? Why would that be important?
Start-Up - Writing 12/1/17 Now write about the following: Imagine you are Ponyboy and you have the chance to write a letter and have it delivered to any one person back in town. Who would you write to? Why that person? What would you say in the letter? Why would that be important?
Exit Ticket 12/1/17 NO EXIT TICKET
Start-Up - Discussion 12/4/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Ponyboy says he has a bad feeling, a premonition, about the little church where they are staying? What do you think that might mean? What might happen?
Start-Up - Writing 12/4/17 Now write about the following: Ponyboy says he has a bad feeling, a premonition, about the little church where they are staying? What do you think that might mean? What might happen? Write your prediction down.
Exit Ticket 12/4/17 What did Johnny buy at the store that surprised Ponyboy? Why did he buy it? What does that say about their relationship?
Start-Up - Discussion 12/5/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Johnny says that he thinks Dallas Winston is gallant, but Ponyboy disagrees. What are his reasons for disagreeing? What does Johnny give as evidence that Dally is gallant?
Start-Up - Writing 12/5/17 Now write about the following: Johnny says that he thinks Dallas Winston is gallant, but Ponyboy disagrees. What are his reasons for disagreeing? What does Johnny give as evidence that Dally is gallant?
Exit Ticket 12/5/17 What do you think the poem that Ponyboy read is trying to say? What does the poet mean when he says that “nothing gold can stay?”
Start-Up - Discussion 12/6/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Who does Dallas tell them has been acting as a spy for the greasers? Did that surprise you? Why or why not? Why do you think she would do that?
Start-Up - Writing 12/6/17 Now write about the following: Who does Dallas tell them has been acting as a spy for the greasers? Did that surprise you? Why or why not? Why do you think she would do that?
Exit Ticket 12/6/17 What does Johnny announce that surprises Dallas Winston? What reasons does he give for his decision? How does Dallas react? Do you think Johnny is right?
Start-Up - Discussion 12/7/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Why do you think Johnny and Pony ran right into the fire without hesitation? What does that say about them? Does that seem like something a typical greaser would do? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Writing 12/7/17 Now write about the following: Why do you think Johnny and Pony ran right into the fire without hesitation? What does that say about them? Does that seem like something a typical greaser would do? Why or why not?
Exit Ticket 12/7/17 What does Ponyboy notice when he sees Darry in the doorway? How does that change the way he was thinking about him?
No Start-Up Let’s get caught up on the movie. Finish your questions for Chapters 5-6. They are DUE TODAY! 12/8/17
In your triads, discuss the following: Start-Up - Discussion 12/11/17 In your triads, discuss the following: Now that they are back in town, what do you think will happen to Ponyboy and Johnny? Do you think they will get in trouble? Why or why not?
Now write about the following: Start-Up - Writing 12/11/17 Now write about the following: Now that they are back in town, what do you think will happen to Ponyboy and Johnny? Do you think they will get in trouble? Why or why not?
Exit Ticket 12/11/17 Why do Pony and his brothers leave the house unlocked all the time? What does that say about them and the people in their neighborhood?
Start-Up - Discussion 12/12/17 In your triads, discuss the following: What do Ponyboy and the others find out from the doctors about Johnny? Why does Ponyboy react when they use the word “if?” How do you think this will affect the gang?
Start-Up - Writing 12/12/17 Now write about the following: What do Ponyboy and the others find out from the doctors about Johnny? Why does Ponyboy react when they use the word “if?” How do you think this will affect the gang?
Exit Ticket 12/12/17 What did Ponyboy and Randy talk about? Why did Randy say that he was not going to show up for the rumble? Why did Ponyboy tell Two-Bit that Randy was not a soc?
Start-Up - Discussion 12/13/17 In your triads, discuss the following: What did both Ponyboy and Two-Bit say about Johnny? Why do you think they feel that way about him? What is it about him that makes him so important to the gang?
Start-Up - Writing What did both Ponyboy and Two-Bit say about Johnny? 12/13/17 Now write about the following: What did both Ponyboy and Two-Bit say about Johnny? Why do you think they feel that way about him? What is it about him that makes him so important to the gang?
Exit Ticket 12/13/17 What did Johnny ask Pony and Two-Bit to get for him? Why do you think he wanted it?