Introductory words on the 7th EU Framework Programme (2007-2013) Philippe Quevauviller
Main new elements compared to FP6: Duration increased from five to seven years Total budget doubled (€50.5 billion) Basic research (~ €7.5 billion) New structure: cooperation, ideas, people, capacities Flexible funding schemes Joint Technology Initiatives Simpler procedures Logistical and administrative tasks transferred to external structures
Specific Programmes Trans-national cooperation on policy-defined themes – “Cooperation” – Collaborative research (32,292 M€) Investigator-driven research based on the initiative of the research community – “Ideas” – Frontier research (7,460 M€) Support to individual researchers – “People” – Human potential (4,727 M€) Support to research capacities – “Capacities” (4,291 M€)
FP7 2007-2013 ‘Cooperation’ budget 1. Cooperation – Collaborative research FP7 2007-2013 ‘Cooperation’ budget Budget (€ million, I. Cooperation current prices) 1. Health 6 050 2. Biotechnology, food and agriculture 1 935 3. Information society 9 110 4. Nanotechnologies, materials and 3 500 production 5. Energy 2 300 6. Environment 1 900 7. Transport (including aeronautics) 4 180 8. Socio - economic research 610 9. Space 1 430 1 350 10. Security 32 365 Total
The instruments Collaborative projects (small/medium up to 3.5 M€, large up to 7 M€, Eligibility criterion) Networks of Excellence Coordination/support actions Fellowships Research projects for third parties (i.a. SMEs) Art. 169 Joint Technology Initiatives Development of new infrastructures of European interest 1) To support actions which are implemented on the basis of calls for proposals: Collaborative projects Support to research projects carried out by consortia with participants from different countries, aiming at developing new knowledge, new technology, products or common resources for research. The size, scope and internal organisation of projects can vary from field to field and from topic to topic. Projects can range from focused research actions to a combination of research and other related activities. Networks of Excellence Support to joint research programmes implemented by a number of research institutions integrating their activities in a given field, carried out by research teams in the framework of longer term co-operation. The implementation of these joint programmes will require a formal commitment from the institutions integrating part of their resources and their activities. Individual projects Support to projects carried out by individual research teams. This scheme will mainly be used to support investigator-driven “frontier” research projects funded in the framework of the European Research Council. Coordination/support actions Support to activities aimed at coordinating or supporting research (networking, exchanges, studies, conferences, etc). Research projects for third parties (SMEs) Support to research projects performed by universities or research centres for third parties, mainly SMEs or associations of SMEs. Fellowships Support to individual researchers. They will be mainly used for the implementation of the Marie Curie actions.
ENVIRONMENT Theme (including Climate Change) Activities and sub-activities Climate change, pollution and risks Pressures on environment and climate Environment and health Natural hazards Sustainable Management of Resources Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity Integrated Resource Management Water Resources Soil Research and Desertification Biodiversity Urban Development Integrated Forest Research Management of marine environments
ENVIRONMENT Theme (including Climate Change) Activities and sub-activities Environmental Technologies Environmental technologies for the sustainable management of the natural and man-made environment” Water Soil Waste Clean Technologies Built Environment Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage including human habitat Technology assessment, verification and testing Earth observation and assessment tools Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development Forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development, taking into account differing scales of observation
Climate Change, Pollution and Risks
FP7 WORK PROGRAMME Research topics for 2007 call Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in water policies; establish links between science and policy on climate change and water management; identification of relevant research needs and adaptation measures to climate change; development of scenarios on water demand Funding scheme: coordination and support actions
FP7 WORK PROGRAMME Research topics for 2007 call Effectiveness of adaptation and mitigation measures (current and novel) with respect to changes of the hydrological cycle and its extremes; Analysis of the social and economic implications; Development of (adaptive) management strategies to address risks caused by long term changes of the hydrological cycle Funding scheme: collaborative projects (small or medium-scale focused research projects)
Sustainable Management of Resources
FP7 WORK PROGRAMME Research topics for 2007 call Assessing the ecological status of water bodies Methodologies, models, integrated indicators and multi- species metrics for the integrated assessment of the ecological status of water bodies; assess the combined effects of various pressures; Methodologies for biological quality assessment; definition of reference conditions and thresholds for ecological quality classes. Funding scheme: collaborative projects (large-scale integrating projects)
FP7 WORK PROGRAMME Research topics for 2007 call River basin twinning initiatives between catchments/river basins from Europe and catchments from international cooperation partners to underpin the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in these countries in line with EU Water Initiative. Particular emphasis to the constructive engagement with all relevant stakeholders, capacity building, training, participating approach, institutional framework ….. Funding scheme: collaborative projects (small or medium-scale focused research projects)
FP7 WORK PROGRAMME Research topics for 2007 call Temporary water bodies management Temporary water bodies, their spatial extent and their temporal dynamics in semi-arid (Mediterranean) and arid climatic/hydrologic conditions; assessment of their role in the dynamics of nutrients, toxic substances and organic matter. Funding scheme: collaborative projects (small or medium-scale focused research projects)
FP7 WORK PROGRAMME Research orientations for possible inclusion in calls following 2007 Activity: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES Groundwater systems management Patterns and dynamics of river basins Water long term scenarios: quantity and quality Models for integrated management of water resources Water monitoring concepts River basin twinning initiatives Soil monitoring and modelling Soil biodiversity Soil and climate change Soils and ecosystems Soils and international cooperation partner countries The role of forests in water and soil protection
FP7 WORK PROGRAMME Research orientations for possible inclusion in calls following 2007 Activity: ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES Restoration of degraded water resources Groundwater protection and remediation Low cost sustainable solutions for water supply and sanitation in peri-urban areas in developing countries Advanced technologies for soil erosion Soil/groundwater contamination: technologies and research needs
Coordination of National Programmes under FP7 : ERA-NET scheme Ongoing ERA-NETs : Broaden and deepen the partnership and scope of ERA-NETs and move towards mutual opening of programmes – 4 Water & Soil related ERA-NETs in FP 6: EUWI, SNOWMAN, IWRM-NET and CRUE Possible conversion to the ERA-NET PLUS module
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