The Tide of War Turns Chapter 16 Section 5.


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Presentation transcript:

The Tide of War Turns Chapter 16 Section 5

Battle of Fredericksburg Location: Fredericksburg Date: November 1862

Battle of Fredericksburg Generals Confederates: Robert E. Lee Union: Ambrose E. Burnside

Battle of Fredericksburg Who Won? Confederacy Importance: Union had heavy casualties Burnside retreated Burnside stepped down from his position

Battle of Chancellorsville Location: Chancellorsville Date: April 1863

Battle of Chancellorsville Generals Confederates: Robert E. Lee Union: Joseph Hooker

Battle of Chancellorsville Who Won? Confederates Importance: Several Casualties Stonewall Jackson was killed

Battle of Gettysburg Location: Date: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania July 1-3, 1863

Battle of Gettysburg Generals Confederates: Union: Robert E. Lee George G. Meade Robert E. Lee George Meade

Battle of Gettysburg Who Won? Importance: Union Union was on Cemetery Ridge Confederate General George Pickett led the charge Led about 15,000 men, over half became casualties

Battle of Gettysburg Meade did not follow Lee Lee would never launch an attack in the North Great Britain and France refused to provide aid to the South

Gettysburg Address Location: Date: Person: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19th, 1863 Person: Abe Lincoln

Gettysburg Address Importance Dedicated battlefield as cemetery Lincoln said he wanted to win the war AND preserve the Union Difficult road still lay ahead

Wilderness Campaign Location: Date: North and Central Virginia May – June 1864

Wilderness Campaign Generals: Confederates: Union: Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant

Wilderness Campaign Who won? Importance: Union Grant lost a lot of men, but could replace them Lee lost a lot of men, but could not replace them Grant was closing in on Richmond

Sherman’s March Location: Date: Tennessee and Georgia Spring and Summer 1864

Sherman’s March Generals: Confederates: Union: Robert E. Lee and other Various Union: William Tecumseh Sherman

Sherman’s March Who Won? Importance: Union Captured Atlanta on September 2nd, 1864 Burned the City The city was an important railroad and industrial city of the South Sherman’s march to sea destroyed everything in his path (civilian and economic resources)

Appomattox Location: Appomattox, Virginia Date: April 9th, 1865

Appomattox Generals Confederates: Union: Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant

Appomattox Who won? Importance: Union Ended the war between the North and South 620,000Americans had lost their lives Slavery ended Which forced ex-slaves to find jobs, houses, etc… Southern economy was ruined