Chapter 3 Early Humans and the Agricultural Revolution
Chapter 3.1 Hunters-Gatherers
The Paleolithic Age Called the Stone Age People used stone for tools and weapons Means “Old Stone” Also called the “Old Stone Age” Lasted until 8000 B.C.
Surviving the Paleolithic Age People were nomads People who regularly moved from place to place to survive Traveled in groups of 20 or 30 Search for food was main activity Hunted buffalo, bison, goats, reindeer, fish Gathered wild nuts, berries, fruits, grains
Finding Food Men-hunted large animals Developed tracking methods Used clubs Drove animals off cliffs Traps and spears increased chances of survival
Finding Food Women stayed close to camp Looked after children Searched woods for berries, nuts, and grains
The Invention of Tools Technology-tools and methods to perform tasks was first used by Paleolithic people Sticks, stones, and tree branches served as tools A hard stone called flint was used for cutting tools: axes, spears, bows, and arrows
Changing to Survive Climate affected how Paleolithic people lived Made clothing from animal skins Made tents and huts from mammoths bones
Fire Sparks Changes Paleolithic people discovered how to make fire Produced fire by friction Discovered iron pyrite gave off sparks
Language and Art Paleolithic man began to communicate Developed language Expressed themselves through art
Altamira, Spain
Lascaux, France
Ice Age Ice Age- periods of extreme cold Water level was lowered Exposed land bridge connecting continents of Asia and North America Allowed people to move into North America
How Did the Ice Age Affect Humans? Humans adapted to environment Added fat to diet Built sturdier shelter Made clothing using animal fur Use fire to keep warm Ice Age ended about 9000 and 8000 B.C.