Technology in the Learning Environment By: Juhaina H. Disumimba
Episode 1: The School’s Learning Resources
The School
Iligan City Central School have library were a lot of collection of books and other informational materials like magazines, newspapers, maps that made available to pupils and even teachers for research, reading, study, or reference.
Computer Room – were the teacher teaches the pupils on the basic use of computer and how to operate it.
Science Laboratory Net-Gen Tech. Center
Museum and Archieves A television in some classroom were they watch educational program.
Episode 2: bulletin boards displays
Bulletin Boards It is located outside the Principal’s Office. School paper publication corner and school community activities are posted.
Bulletin Boards In the classroom of our resource teacher. Displayed with photos that represents in every subject, the letters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance, it was well-constructed, and the items are organized.
Episode 3: utilization of teaching aids
Class Observation: The lesson was all about the Regions of the Philippines. It was reported by one of the pupil, she used manila paper as her instructional material. After the reporting, the teacher asked questions about what was reported or discussed to evaluate if they are paying attention to the reporter.
Episode 4: a teaching aid bank
Regions of the Philippines Philippine Map Textbook Pictures Globes
Episodes 5: Classroom Handouts
The topic that I would like to work on is The Food Pyramid.
Episode 6: slide Presentations
Parts of Computer
Episode 7: on-line learning