One:The rise of post-colonialism Post-colonial theory - Post-colonialism \post-colonial theory and post-colonial criticism. Post-colonial ism- the nation-state and its people which has become a colony and has gained independence The reflection, criticism and research of the historical fact of Western cultural colonialism and its consequences
One:The rise of post-colonialism The global political, economic and cultural pattern since the end of the colonial era Post-colonialism: the historical fact of European colonialism and the resulting consequences, based on the philosophy, history, literature, anthropology, psychology, chemistry, cross-cultural research. In 1970s the late Edward Said's "Orientalism" as the symbol
One:The rise of post-colonialism 1, the social and historical background First, the relation between in west and east countries after World War II being into tension Second, intellectuals with the Oriental origin and life experiences into the Western academic Third the nationalism long after the end of the cold re-emergence Fourth,the nation's pursuit of independene in conomic globalization and cultural
One:The rise of post-colonialism (B) the theoretical source 1.the critical discourse (话语)of colonialism in Africa 2.the Marxist nation-state theory 3. the Gramsci's cultural hegemony thought 4.the power discourse theory(权力话语理论) of Foucault
One:The rise of post-colonialism (C) the basic characteristics 1.developing the New cultural relations Field between East and West 2. Multidimensional analysis to text 3. the theory of attempting to go beyond Nationalism
Two: the main content of post-colonialism (A) the critique of Orientalism (Said) First, Orientalism and Orientalism 1. Orientalist as an academic researchcategories ,it covers all the East-related fields, including anthropology, numismatics, archeology, sociology, history, literature, culture and so on.
Two: the main content of post-colonialism 2. Orientalism as a way of thinking, was based on the East and West on the basis of dualism. Including the advanced West the rational with developed, civilized and the low-level East with irrational, brutal, and other issues 3. Mechanism for dealing with Oriental Oriental Studies, Oriental by making the statements, ruling on matters related to the East, the policy was based on the East to colonial rule on this theory.
Two: the main content of post-colonialism Second, the overt and latent Orientalism Orientalism 1. Obvious Orientalism: most of Western writers and thinkers in the 19th century were summarized as the difference in them in written form of personal style and in awareness of the East is no different, and constantly confirmed enhance and deepen the unequal relationship between East and West. 2. Insidious Orientalism: Oriental scholars of bias is not a reflection of their political positions, but mainly from the mechanism of Oriental Studies of the culture itself.
Two: the main content of post-colonialism Third, the geopolitical background of Orientalism . Orientalism in this research field in itself implies that the rise of power between East and West contrast. 2. Orientalism which has great improvement in the Study of mechanisms and the basic content is consistent with the period of rapid expansion of Europe.
Two: the main content of post-colonialism (B) Consideration of Oriental cultural identity 1.the identity of the content. Refers to the role of cultural identity, self-acceptance and recognition of others. 2.the distortion and reconstruction of Oriental Identity. Western colonial culture, language, translation and literature Oriental Identity caused the distortion. 3.the ethnic(族裔散居) and Third World women diaspora identity issues. Western colonialists created a residents identity problem of diaspora blacks and other ethnic groups and women.
Two: the main content of post-colonialism (C) the value orientation of anti-essentialism. 1. the national view of Rejecting essentialist 2. the national cultural awareness For the future
Three:the basic evaluation of post-colonialism (A) the essence of the theory Having emerged in the West, at the same time having a historical background of oriental culture and the academic discourse and theoretical thought.
Three:the basic evaluation of post-colonialism (B) social role 1. helping to deepen the understanding for Marxist colonialism, imperialism and hegemony (霸权主义) 2.helping Western society Rethinking colonialism. 3.helping the Eastern world think and process the relationship between east and West.
Three:the basic evaluation of post-colonialism Third, the limitations 1. the emphasis on cultural criticism and discourse analysis, ignoring the political and economic analysis 2.focusing on the discourse against the neglect of the colonial revolution and the effective resistance 3.the neglect of class, without specifying the main anti-colonialism