7X 9-8-2015 Tuesday Objectives: Explain the construct of an era; describe themes in history (PERSIA). Agenda: Do Now: What is an era? What kinds of things are included in an era? Why are there eras? (A+ answer) (Examples of eras: Civil War Era, Jeffersonian Era, Renaissance, Middle Ages) Discuss Do Now, Lesson Notes HW: Themes in History (handout) Exit Ticket.
What is an era. What kinds of things are included in an era What is an era? What kinds of things are included in an era? Why are there eras?
Era noun a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic. "his death marked the end of an era" synonyms: epoch, age, period, phase, time, span, eon; generation "the Roosevelt era" a system of chronology dating from a particular noteworthy event. "the dawn of the Christian era"
PERSIA Political Economic Religious Social Intellectual Artistic
Will get more time tomorrow to continue working on this.
Explain Homework in class Themes in History (handout)