Back to School Information A to Z Grade: Kindergarten Welcome to Camp Panther Premiere Back to School Information A to Z Grade: Kindergarten ©The Knitted Apple ©The Knitted Apple
ABSENCES In the event your child is absent, parents MUST call 281-641-2119 to report the absence to school. A written excuse for absence is required upon returning to school for the absence to be considered EXCUSED. After three consecutive days, a doctor’s note must be submitted. Students not in attendance during the official attendance time of 9:45 am will be marked absent.
Celebrate Responsibility will be recognized each nine weeks! Students who are Present and Punctual with ZERO Absences will be recognized each nine weeks!
Cafeteria/Meal Time Breakfast Served: 7:30 – 7:55 Cafeteria closes at 8 am Breakfast Cost: Student $1.40/Adult $2.10 Lunch Cost: Student $2.25/Adult $3.65 Our Lunch Time: 10:35-11:05 ( NO visitors the first 2 weeks, please)
Cafeteria/Meal Time, cont… To promote healthy eating habits, money placed into your child’s lunch account is for purchasing one meal at breakfast and/or one meal at lunch. Students can bring cash from home for purchasing extra snacks. To reduce interruptions, we request that fast food be brought to students on Fridays. Due to Texas Guidelines, food provided to other students is prohibited. Parents can bring lunch for their child only. Students may not share food due to possible food allergies. Menu Hotline: 281.641.5838
Car Riders/Car Poolers For pick up, post car plaques with your child’s name and grade level written in large black print. Extra plaques or replacement plaques are located in the office if needed. Place plaque in vehicle either hanging from the rear view mirror or closest to the driver’s side of the car Please use daily all school year. Cell phone usage prohibited in school zones and drop off/pick up areas.
Celebrate Responsibility! Students are released to classrooms promptly Be On Time Ready to Learn 8:00 a.m. Sharp! Students are released to classrooms promptly at 7:30 arrival to school.
CHECK-OUT PROCEDURES Check your child out through the front office or on the sign-out sheet during special events with your child’s teacher. For your child’s safety, send written requests for early pickup and/or changes in dismissal procedure to the teacher at the beginning of the day. FAXED NOTE, VOICE MAIL OR EMAILS will NOT be accepted. Unexpected dismissal changes must be made prior to 2:30 through the front office.
Stay Informed
DISMISSAL 3:23 Bus Riders/Day Care/Car Poolers 3:26 Car Riders 3:30 Bikers & Walkers Please Post ORANGE Car Plaque in Front Window! Your promptness in picking up your child is very important. Supervision is not available: After 3:45 The Front Office closes at 4:00 p.m.
DISMISSAL on a RAINY DAY Make an alternate plan with your child(ren) for rainy day dismissal. Students will be released at regular times if it is just raining. Bikers and walkers will be held in the front foyer at PFE if it is thundering and lightning Students can be released to parent or dismissed to head home when safe. Bike racks are not locked overnight. Keep your bike safe by not leaving it at school overnight.
DRESS CODE Any form of dress or grooming that attracts undue attention, is unsafe, disrupts school, or detracts from the learning process is not acceptable. No short shorts, spaghetti straps, strapless or halter tops, low-cut shirts, flip flops/backless shoes and baggie pants. Please refer to the Humble ISD Elementary Student Handbook for more details.
Please mark your calendars *Lunch is not served these days EARLY RELEASE Please mark your calendars 9/20, 10/4, 10/25 & 10/26, 11/8, 12/15, 1/31, 4/18 and 6/1 *Lunch is not served these days Dismissal times begin at: 11:40 car riders, car poolers, day care 11:45 bus riders 12 NOON walkers, bikers, YMCA
EXPECTATIONS Be Responsible. Be Respectful. Be Safe. Be a Learner!
EMERGENCY In the event of an emergency communication will be shared via School Messenger.
VISITORS To ensure the safety of our children: Please check in at the security vestibule in the front foyer by presenting your driver’s license each time you visit our school Thank you for your patience! Badge must be worn on your upper body while you are on campus Return badge to the front office at check out. Building CLOSED to visitors on STAAR Testing Weeks & District Assessment dates listed in the PFE Flyer and in our PFE Website.
Allergy Aware Room We do have children in our class with a known allergies Letter from Nurse Please remind your children that we do not share food Birthdays– please purchase ice cream/popsicle treats from cafeteria only
GRADE LEVEL INFORMATION Please keep snack and lunch separate (do not put daily snack in lunch box) Label snack. Extra supplies Fun folder Lightbulb Lab Weekly LOVE of Learning!!
PANTHER PROUD of our PTA! PFE PTA has purchased FABULOUS RESOURCES: Literacy Library Resources Grade Level iPad Carts Campus Motivational Programs BRAND NEW School Marquee “Fall Festival!” Saturday, 10/21 our school carnival
Thank you for coming to Panther Premiere, please remember to: Join our wonderful PTA in the front foyer. Sign up to volunteer in your child’s classroom and to be one of the Room Parents. Place money in child’s lunch account in cafeteria. Visit our Spirit Store – Show your Panther spirit wear your PFE spirit shirts on Fridays!