Native Texans
Early Americans People came to North America from Asia about 37,000 years ago following animal herds across the land bridge between present day Alaska and Russia.
These people are called prehistoric man. (Cavemen) There are 3 periods of prehistoric man: Prehistoric: before writing
Paleo-Indian Period 12,000 years ago, man was nomadic. (people who move from place to place searching for food) Used flint tipped spears to mammoths or mastodons, giant buffalo, and other large mammals. During this time these giant animals died off. Most likely they were hunted to extinction or because of environmental change they disappeared. A skeleton of a woman found from this period near Midland is called Midland Minnie.
Archaic Period Around 600 BC, man was nomadic People hunted smaller game such as buffalo, deer, and antelope and gathered food from plants. A man found from this period in Abilene is called Abilene Man. Man also began to domesticate dogs and teach them to hunt.
Man had better weapons such as the atlatl (a spear throwing stick.)
Late Prehistoric Period 700 AD (Dark Ages in Europe) Some people started to live in villages. This was possible because of agriculture: planting crops and taming some animals.
Used the bow and arrow to hunt buffalo, antelope, deer, and rabbits.
The Importance of Agriculture Between 700AD and 1500AD agriculture developed in Texas by natives. Crops could be grown and stored in pottery so that not everyone had to work to produce food. Agriculture made it possible to live in one place and build villages and even cities.
Great Civilizations of Mesoamerica More people lived in Mesoamerica (Central America) than North America. Scientist estimate that at the time of Columbus's arrival 12 million people lived north of what is now the U.S. Mexico border. Between the modern U.S. and Panama lived approx. 35 million people Around 60 million inhabited the continent of South America and the Caribbean.
The Maya Among the people of Mesoamerica, the Maya are considered to be the most intellectually advanced. Discovered the Zero Cipher. (the use of the number 0) which was not introduced in Europe until the 13th Century. They made discoveries in architecture, astronomy, and calendar making.
The Maya developed a complex social structure with nobility, high priests, and a royal family. They are also the only Indian civilization with a complex written language. They had trade networks and built great pyramids.
The Aztecs Also called the Mexica, ruled central Mexico around 1200 AD. They practiced human sacrifice to their Gods, built large pyramids and temples, and created many works of art.
Built a city called Tenochtitlan. Where Mexico City is now. (te-no-teach-lan) One of the most populous city in the world at the time of its discovery by Spanish explorers.