Chapter 10 Growth and Expansion
Sec. 1 Economic Growth Mid 1700’s Industrial Revolution Began in England Machines ran on waterpower People left homes to move to cities to work
Industrial Revolution in New England IR appeared here first Soil poor, farming difficult Rushing rivers Close to resources Many good ports Capitalism/free enterprise
New Technology Eli Whitney – Cotton Gin Interchangeable parts Samuel Slater- brought design’s from England to America Francis Lowell- factory system, bringing all manufacturing steps together in one building
Agriculture South- cotton production increased Demand for cotton grew as a result of IR Slave labor increased also Economic Independence in NORTH Corporations began to develop Stocks were sold Second Bank of the US chartered
Cities Growth of factories spurred growth of cities Fires were a threat Diseases were a threat As more people came to cities, libraries, shops, museums were built
Sec. 2 Westward Bound By 1811 more people were moving west of App. Mountains Turnpikes were built to ease travel River travel increased, but problem, most rivers were in eastern US, and ran only north south direction
Steam power Steam engines had been used in the 1780’s to power ships in calm waters Robert Fulton- Steam boat--1807- Clermont- traveled from NYC to Albany
Canals Erie Canal-363 mile long, first canal in US Led to explosion in canal building Lowered the cost of shipping goods, brought prosperity to towns, helped unite the country
Western settlement Families settled on rivers such as Ohio and Mississippi Canals allowed people to live farther from the rivers
Sec. 3 Unity and Sectionalism Era of Good Feelings Rep. James Monroe elected president 1816 Federalist party almost gone A time when the fighting between political parties had ceased EGF didn’t last long, sectionalism became intense Conflict over slavery/states rights fueled sectionalism
Differences Regions disagreed on tariffs, bank and internal improvements John C. Calhoun( South), Daniel Webster(North), Henry Clay(West)
John C. Calhoun From South Carolina Supported state sovereignty- states have autonomous power Strong opponent of high tariffs
Daniel Webster From New Hampshire Favored protection of US manufacturing Favored Tariffs
Henry Clay Great Compromiser Tried to settle differences between leaders
Missouri Compromise Problems arose when territories were admitted into union Missouri admitted as slave state and Maine admitted as a free, to keep balance in the Senate. Also all territories carved out of LP north of Missouri’s southern border would be free, south of the border slave.
American System Henry Clay proposed Protective tariff, internal improvements, national bank Not all of the System was accepted.. MONROE DOCTRINE Stated that the US will not interfere with European colonies, opposed new colonization
Domestic Policy Assignment Each group will be responsible for completing all of the issues and policies *of just your selected President * You must present at least one cause and one effect per issue or policy. Present to the class on MONDAY as part of a test review.