The simplest diet Three Step Plan
Three Step Plan Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Eliminate added sugars Cut back on Starch Step 3 Watch your calories
Step 1: Eliminate Added Sugars Avg. American eats about 82 grams of Sugar a day = 317 Calories 91% come from 33% regular soda 23% baked goods, cereals 16% candy 10% fruit drinks 9% sweetened milk products, i.e. chocolate milk, ice cream, flavored yogurt.
Added Sugars – what should I eat? So what should you eat? Meat Vegetables Whole fruit Eggs Whole grain and dairy products that haven’t been sweetened Key message here: Don’t over analyze your eating habits simply avoid the “added sugars”. Try if for two weeks and see the results
Step 2: Cut Back on Starch Starches are the main carbs in bread, pasta and rice. But you’ve been told you need this… You do but to certain extent Deals with your blood sugar
Cut Back on Starch Blood sugar fall after 4 hours of not eating You become cranky, tired, maybe even shaky As a result you crave carbs usually in the form of starch and sugar Thus resulting in insulin overdose which brings back down blood sugar Vicious cycle making you crave sugar and starch again
How much starch should you eat? As a general guideline 2 servings a day 1 serving = 20 grams of carbs = 1 slice of bread, cup of cereal, ½ potato or ½ cup of pasta, rice or beans. Try eating just 1 serving on none workout days and 2 on workout days Low starch vegetables Artichokes Asparagus Broccoli Cucumbers Celery Mushrooms Onions Spinach Tomatoes zucchini
Additional guidelines Never restrict your produce intake Have some protein with every meal Don’t be afraid of fat Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed
Never restrict your produce intake “no one ever got fat from eating produce” Whole fruits and vegetables are good because they have few calories and little starch and a wealth of belly-filling fiber Limit your intake on Potatoes Beans Corn
Have some protein with every meal University of Illinois researchers determined that dieters who eat higher amounts of protein lose more fat and feel more satisfied than those who eat the lowest amount of the nutrient Ideal amount 1 gram of protein per pound of target body weight Minimum requirement 125 grams a day High quality Proteins Beef, cheese, eggs, fish, pork, poultry
Eat until you’re satisfied, not stuffed! Don’t be afraid of Fat Fact is fat is filling and it adds flavor Meaning you can eat natural fat in meat, cheese, milk, butter, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. Since your cutting on sugars you’re already cutting on fat overload in average person diet. Eat until you’re satisfied, not stuffed! Pay attention to how you feel and don’t clean your plate.
Step 3: Watch your calories Think you eat right but jeans still feel tight? Use portion control methods Keep a journal
Your desired weight is 180 lbs. then, Easy method Multiply your desired body weight by 10-12, then eat that many calories a day. For instance Your desired weight is 180 lbs. then, 180 x 12 = 2,160 Once you have reached your goal you may up your calorie intake
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