Death Tourism
Content Death tourists What is assisted suicide? Dignitas Regulations Ethical aspects Content
«Death tourists are terminally ill or suffering from neurological disorders from across the world who travel to countries with legalised assisted suicide so that they may commit suicide without commiting a crime.» Death tourists
What is assisted suicide? Long process self-determined Concerned person takes lethal drugs by himself What is assisted suicide?
Dignitas Zürich Founded 1998 by a lawyer Assisted dying organisation Big Business (10,000 CHF) Germans British Dignitas
2004 the government tried to put following regulations in place: Swiss resident for at least 6 months Incurable illness 2011 following referendum got rejected: Ban assisted suicide Need for swiss resident Regulations
«constant and unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be alleviated» Euthanasia: Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands In Switzerland final step taken by patient Is it an ethical business? Ethical aspects