A New Kind of War Chapter 11 Section 2
Stalemate on the Western Front Why the Schlieffen Plan failed Russia mobilized more quickly than expected British and French troops halted their advance at the first battle of the Marne Both sides dug deep trenches for protection Begins Trench Warfare Battle lines would remain almost unchanged for the next 4 years
Human Cost 1916 – Germans attempted a massive offensive at Verdun French cried, “They shall not pass!” and held firm Lasted 11 months with more than 500,000 casualties
Human Cost Same year, Allies attempt offensive at Somme River Lasted 5 months with over 1 million dead During one battle, 60,000 died in one day
Technology of Modern Warfare Two most significant: Rapid-fire machine gun Long-range artillery gun Killed/wounded more than machine gun Shelled enemy from more than 10 miles away
Technology of Modern Warfare Poison Gas Introduced in 1915 – first by Germans, then Allies Soldiers eventually given gas masks Blinded, choked, burned or blistered Winds could blow it back on you Chemical weapons would later be banned by the Geneva Protocol in 1925 (but not production)
Technology of Modern Warfare Tanks: 1916 – Britain uses first armored tank Mounted with machine guns Designed to cross no-man’s land Broke down often, did not break stalemate
Technology of Modern Warfare Planes: First used to observe troop movements 1915 – Germans use Zeppelins to bomb British coast Both sides soon put machine guns on planes “Flying Aces” fought each other in air, but had little effect on ground war
Technology of Modern Warfare Submarines: Most significant new vehicle German Unterseeboot (U-boats) Sunk merchant ships carrying supplies to Britain Allies set up convoys, protected by warships
Eastern Front Not in trenches Casualties higher Russians least industrialized power Some troops lack rifles 1914 – Russians defeated at Tannenberg, retreat back to Russia
Eastern Front 1915 – Bulgaria joins Central Powers Helps defeat Serbia 1916 – Romania joins Allies Wants land in Hungary Crushed by Central Powers
Eastern Front 1915 – Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary (later on Germany) Secret treaty with Allies to give them some Austrian lands For 2 years fought 11 major battles along Isonzo River 1917 – Germans and Austrians launch major offensive at Caporetto, pushing into Italy Britain and France helped stop, but Italy shaken
War Around the World 1914 – Ottomans join Central Powers Cut Allied supply lines to Russia through Dardanelles Battle of Gallipoli April 25, 1915 – Allies send British, Indian, Australian, and New Zealander troops to strait Turkish (Ottoman) troops trap Allies on peninsula Allis retreat in January 1916 after 10 months and 200,000 casualties ANZAC Day
War Around the World Turkey (Ottomans) fighting Russia in Caucasus mountains Home to Armenians divided between Russia and Turkey As Christians, some Armenians side with Russia As a result, Ottomans deport entire Armenian population south to Syria and Mesopotamia Between 600,000 and 1,500,000 died Planned massacres Starved during forced march Many fled, some to the U.S., leaving Armenia almost without Armenians
War Around the World April 24th – Day of the Armenian Genocide Armenians say Turks committed Genocide Turkey maintains it was Civil War Turkey is currently an important ally
War Around the World Ottomans hard hit in Middle East 1916 – Arab nationalists led by Husayn ibn Ali revolt British send T. E. Lawrence (“Lawrence of Arabia”) to support revolt Helped lead guerilla raids Ottomans lost great deal of territory, including Baghdad
War and the Colonies Some had mixed feelings about fighting for Colonial ruler that treated them unfairly Some expected service would be step toward citizenship or independence Such hopes were dashed after war.
On his last mission, Cher Ami was shot through the breast by enemy fire, yet he managed to return to his loft. A message capsule was found dangling from the ligaments of one of his legs that also had been shattered by enemy fire. The capsule contained a message from Major Charles Whittlesey of the 77th Infantry Division (the “Lost Battalion”). Was awarded the French "Croix de Guerre" with Palm for his heroic service. On display in the Smithsonian, was as famous as any soldier of the war