Natural Sciences Division DIVISION MEETING 4/12/07 Natural Sciences Division
Agenda Intro/NSW .…………….….(2 min) 2. 2007/08 Budget Proposals..(10 min)….Bruce/Sean/Ken 3. Science Building Design Update (30 min).. Etienne & Lucien Runge 4. Swing Space Options..(15 min)… Janet
Intro NSW is archived at: And the Division Page is at:
2007/08 Budget Proposals (10 min) Bruce & Sean & Ken See J Drive… Forms and Procedures Folder 2007-08 Budget Solicitations
Science Building Update -- R2A Architecture (30 min) Etienne Runge and Lucien Runge
Swing Space Options…(15 min) Janet Portolan Potential Locations Schedule
A Strategy for Scientific Innovation How the U.S. can recommit to building an economic future based on scientific and technological innovation (8/12/06) 1) Pop Culture doesn’t value, 2) Instructor pay, 3) Financial incentives for Young People Other countries moving to challenge U.S. dominance in Science and Technology