Chapter 17-1: A Voyage of Discovery Essential Questions: What did Charles Darwin’s contribute to science? What 3 patterns of biodiversity did Darwin observe? What contemporary ideas shaped Darwin’s thinking?
Voyage of the HMS Beagle – 1831 – 1836 Evolution Mechanism of evolution
Observations from the voyage Species vary globally Plants/animals well-suited to environments Similar environments on different continents
Species vary locally Galapagos islands Tortoises Finches
Species vary over time
Putting the puzzle together How could living things change over time?
Chapter 17-2: Ideas that influenced Darwin An ancient, changing Earth Hutton Lyell
Lamarck’s Evolutionary Hypothesis Inborn urge toward perfection Use and disuse Inheritance of acquired traits Evaluating Lamarck’s theory
Population growth Thomas Malthus – 1798 Darwin: struggle for existence
Artificial selection Variation in species