The water cycle Notes Part 2
Droplets in clouds combine to form bigger droplets When drops become too heavy they fall back to Earth as Precipitation(water that falls from the atmosphere)
Rain, snow, hail, and sleet are all forms of precipitation. Rain is liquid water. Snow, hail, and sleet are forms of solid, or frozen, water.
Water falls into the oceans and on land Some water soaks into the soil and collects as underground water, called groundwater.
Plant roots soak up groundwater. People tap into groundwater by digging wells.
Some water is pulled over the surface of Earth by gravity. This water that flows over the land surface is called runoff. it flows into bodies of water, such as river, lakes, and oceans.
Full circle Then the suns energy warms some of it, and it evaporates again. The cycle continues.
Exit Ticket Explain the water cycle. (You may draw a picture with the parts labeled.)