CSE 103 103 Students: Please do not log in yet. Check-in with Brian/Erica in the back. Review Days 3 and 4 in the book. Others: Please save your work and logout. Class begins at 10:20.
Review Questions What does the LIKE operator do? What are wildcards and how do they relate to LIKE? If you want to find an empty field in a record, what keyword would you need? What is meant by “filtering”? http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse103 U:/msu/course/cse/103
Sample Problem from Homework TABLE: myTableOfMovies FIELDS: Title [Text] Length [Number, in minutes] MPAA_Rating [Text: one of {G, PG, PG13, R, NC17}] Director [Text] Producer [Text] Writer [Text] Seen [Yes/No] What SQL could be used to find all the movies directed by Steven Spielberg that are at least ninety minutes long but no longer than two hours? http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse103 U:/msu/course/cse/103
Queries in musicdemo.mdb Question: Which artists are musical groups? Under OBJECTS, select Queries, then the NEW button, and then Design View. Then ADD the tbl_Artists table, and CLOSE the Show Table window. Enter the criterion in the Criteria row of the Design Grid. (In Access, =Yes and =True both work for Yes/No fields; =1 only sometimes works) Save your query as qry_day03_groups http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse103 U:/msu/course/cse/103
Queries Exercise: Design View Construct queries that: List only the track title, album ID and duration of the tracks in the collection [>376] (qry_day03_tracklength) List titles of all albums produced in 1996 [>4] (qry_day03_1996_albums) List the track titles and associated album IDs in the collection that run over 4 minutes [>64] (qry_day03_long_tracks) Compare the SQL generated by Access to that we created on day 2 http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse103 U:/msu/course/cse/103
Sorting a Query See the link Sorting Records in a Query on the Classwork page to see the Access Help entry Make queries that List the tracks from shortest to longest List the albums from newest to oldest List the albums from newest to oldest and further ordered by number of tracks You may optionally save them with names of your choice (following the qry_day03_ scheme). http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse103 U:/msu/course/cse/103
Complex Criteria Queries Boolean Operators AND / OR in Design View Same line: AND; different lines: OR Can mix and match: all ANDs grouped together, sets of ANDs are ORed NOT Type in criteria field, use NOT(condition) Other Criteria Keywords LIKE (and wildcard * in Access) IS NULL / IS NOT NULL BETWEEN … AND … Type these directly into the criteria field in Design View http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse103 U:/msu/course/cse/103
Complex Criteria Queries Construct queries which List albums released after 1990 but prior to 2000 [18] (qry_day03_90s_albums) List the digital tracks in the collection, ordered by filesize, which have Christmas in the title and which are over 3 MB [10] (qry_day03_large_xmas_digtracks) List the albums (and years) which have no label data [7] (qry_day03_albums_no_labels) http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse103 U:/msu/course/cse/103
Homework Read Days 13 and 15 in your textbook We will be covering Mail Merge with Access and calculated fields with aliases Be sure you understand queries in SQL and design views, take extra time to review if needed Fill out the Helproom Survey See link on the Classwork page for today http://www.cse.msu.edu/~cse103 U:/msu/course/cse/103