ENG IV: Voc. #10.


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Presentation transcript:

ENG IV: Voc. #10

Eng. IV Voc. #10 Day 1: Copy words and definitions Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions proponent (n) an advocator, supporter haughty (adj) arrogant and condescending deleterious (adj) harmful, destructive, detrimental impetuous(adj) rash, impulsive, acting without thinking intrepid (adj) fearless, adventurous pedagogy (n) art of teaching orthodox (adj) generally accepted, approved opinion (esp. in religion) jubilation (n) joy, celebration, exultation rapacious (adj) / rapacity (n) excessively greedy (adj); greed opulent(adj) wealthy

Write original sentences for the following 5words. Eng. IV Voc. #10 Write original sentences for the following 5words. Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions proponent (n) an advocator, supporter haughty (adj) arrogant and condescending deleterious (adj) harmful, destructive, detrimental impetuous(adj) rash, impulsive, acting without thinking intrepid (adj) fearless, adventurous

Write original sentences for the following 5words. Eng. IV Voc. #10 Write original sentences for the following 5words. Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions pedagogy (n) art of teaching orthodox (adj) generally accepted, approved opinion (esp. in religion) jubilation (n) joy, celebration, exultation rapacious (adj) / rapacity (n) excessively greedy (adj); greed opulent(adj) wealthy

Voc. #10: Day 4 – Write FIVE fill-in-the-blank sentences then trade to complete. Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions proponent (n) an advocator, supporter haughty (adj) arrogant and condescending deleterious (adj) harmful, destructive, detrimental impetuous(adj) rash, impulsive, acting without thinking intrepid (adj) fearless, adventurous pedagogy (n) art of teaching orthodox (adj) generally accepted, approved opinion (esp. in religion) jubilation (n) joy, celebration, exultation rapacious (adj) / rapacity (n) excessively greedy (adj); greed opulent(adj) wealthy

Eng. IV Voc. #10 Now, write 5 of your own! Day 5: Using the word bank provided, complete the following analogies with 5 of the words. proponent haughty deleterious impetuous intrepid pedagogy orthodox jubilation rapacity opulent   Eeyore: nervous :: Beowulf : __________ generosity : sharing :: __________ : fighting Lamborghini : Toyota :: __________ : poor __________ : education :: theology : religion boycotter : oppositionist : an apologist (i.e. for the war) : __________  Now, write 5 of your own!

ENG IV: Voc. #11

Eng. IV Voc. #11 Day 1: Copy words and definitions Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions misgiving (n) uneasy feeling; foreboding explicit (adj) Definite; stated in detail; leaving nothing to be guessed at ploy (n) a tactic intended to frustrate, embarrass, or gain advantage over an opponent augment (v) to increase, to enrich emissary (n) messenger sent on a mission remiss (adj) careless philanthropy (n) effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations impregnable (adj) strong enough to resist capture; not to be outweighed or overcome in argument dynamic (adj/n) relating to energy or force (adj); a force, esp. political, social, or psychological (n) supplicate (v) to ask humbly or earnestly for, as in praying

Eng. IV Voc. #11 Write original sentences for the following 5 words. Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions misgiving (n) uneasy feeling; foreboding explicit (adj) Definite; stated in detail; leaving nothing to be guessed at ploy (n) a tactic intended to frustrate, embarrass, or gain advantage over an opponent augment (v) to increase, to enrich emissary (n) messenger sent on a mission

Eng. IV Voc. #11 Write original sentences for the following 5 words. Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions misgiving (n) uneasy feeling; foreboding explicit (adj) Definite; stated in detail; leaving nothing to be guessed at ploy (n) a tactic intended to frustrate, embarrass, or gain advantage over an opponent augment (v) to increase, to enrich emissary (n) messenger sent on a mission

Voc. #11: Day 4 – Write FIVE fill-in-the-blank sentences then trade to complete. Word(s) & (PoS) Definitions misgiving (n) uneasy feeling; foreboding explicit (adj) Definite; stated in detail; leaving nothing to be guessed at ploy (n) a tactic intended to frustrate, embarrass, or gain advantage over an opponent augment (v) to increase, to enrich emissary (n) messenger sent on a mission remiss (adj) careless philanthropy (n) effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations impregnable (adj) strong enough to resist capture; not to be outweighed or overcome in argument dynamic (adj/n) relating to energy or force (adj); a force, esp. political, social, or psychological (n) supplicate (v) to ask humbly or earnestly for, as in praying

Language Acquisition #11 Day 5 - Complete the following analogies: misgiving explicit ploy augment emissary remiss philanthropy impregnable dynamic supplicate   diplomat : civil servant :: _____________ : ambassador horoscope : prediction :: instinct : _____________ detailed : unorganized :: cautious : _____________ public speaker : _____________ :: introvert : shy a fortress : _____________ :: river : permeable Now, write 5 analogies of your own.

ENG IV: Voc. #12

Eng. IV Voc. #12 Day 1: Copy words and definitions Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions adulation (n) high praise camaraderie (n) trust, sociability among friends clairvoyant (adj) exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future emulate (v) to imitate enervating (adj) weakening, tiring fortuitous (adj) happening by luck, fortunate hackneyed (adj) clichéd, worn out by overuse spurious (adj) lacking authenticity, false capacious (adj) very large, spacious pragmatic (adj) practical

Eng. IV Voc. #12 Day 2 Write original sentences for the following 5 words. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions adulation (n) high praise camaraderie (n) trust, sociability among friends clairvoyant (adj) exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future emulate (v) to imitate enervating (adj) weakening, tiring

Eng. IV Voc. #12 Day 3 Write original sentences for the following 5 words. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions fortuitous (adj) happening by luck, fortunate hackneyed (adj) clichéd, worn out by overuse spurious (adj) lacking authenticity, false capacious (adj) very large, spacious pragmatic (adj) practical

trust, sociability among friends Voc. #12: Day 4 – Write FIVE fill-in-the-blank sentences then trade to complete. Word(s) & (PofS) Definitions adulation (n) high praise camaraderie (n) trust, sociability among friends clairvoyant (adj) exceptionally insightful, able to foresee the future emulate (v) to imitate enervating (adj) weakening, tiring fortuitous (adj) happening by luck, fortunate hackneyed (adj) clichéd, worn out by overuse spurious (adj) lacking authenticity, false capacious (adj) very large, spacious pragmatic (adj) practical

Now, write 5 analogies of your own. Eng. IV Voc. #12 Day 5: Using the word bank provided, complete the following analogies with 5 of the words.   adulation camaraderie clairvoyant emulate enervating fortuitous hackneyed spurious capacious pragmatic teammates : ______________ :: family : dependability disdain : villain :: ______________ : hero medium : psychic :: fortune teller : ______________ ______________ : win the lottery :: hard work : earn a paycheck running : ______________ :: eating : energizing  Now, write 5 analogies of your own.

Eng. IV: Voc. #10-12 Review

Voc. #10-12 Review Looking over Voc. #10-12 lists, pick the TWO words from EACH lesson that are the most difficult for you to remember To practice applying these words, do at least on of the following for each Illustrate it Write a synonym and antonym for the word Create a one-line rhyme using the word

Stump a Scholar… Looking over all your vocabulary lists (#10-12), pick 2 words from EACH lesson. Create a word bank with your 6 words. Write fill-in-the blank sentences for each word. Trade with a partner and complete each other’s challenge. Trade back to “grade” Eight “volunteers” will add a word to the bank on the board and put sentences on display.  *Test Friday

Vocabulary Warm-up Review Working alone or with a partner, write a SHORT, fictional story using at least 6 of the vocabulary words (2 from each lesson #10-12). Be prepared to share these out loud. 

Vocabulary Warm-up Review Pick up a Voc. #10-12 Cross Word from the front desk. You will have 10 minutes to work on it; it is due by tomorrow for a grade. Reminder: Test tomorrow. 