Tie Breaker… What humanitarian organization did Kennedy found? 10 extra points – who is the last remaining superpower?
Rules of Jeopardy Question Category Point value Answer Everyone will work in pairs or groups of 3, with EVERYONE receiving a recording paper Your recording paper should have your name at the top and a table that contains , the category of the question, the point value, the answer and the total point for the team. (see example) This table must be turned in at the end of class… The team with the most points wins…. A fun filled summer If anyone should shout out an answer then everyone in the class will not be eligible to receive the points for the question And your group will lose 50 points How the points add up Correct answers add the assigned point value to your total score, incorrect answer subtract that point value from your score… Question Category Point value Answer Total Group score
Powerpoint Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Unit 4 WW1/20s Unit 5 GD/WW2 Unit 6 Cold War Unit 7 Mod Amer Mish Mash 10 20 30 40 50
What event(s) prompted US involved in WW1? Category 1 – 10 points Sinking of the The Lusitania (unrestricted submarine warfare), Zimmerman Note Preexisting relationship with Britain & France Category 1 - 10
What defensive alliance did Wilson believe would help create a lasting peace? League of Nations Category 1 – 20 points Category 1 - 20
What two organizations were created to help organize public support and material needs for the war? -The CPI and WIB Category 1 – 30 points
How were Presidents Harding and Coolidge similar? - Category 1 – 40 points Both pursued Laissez Faire Economic policies that aided the growth of business but included none to very little regulation
During the 1920s __________, or the driving up of stock with capital and information in order to sell high for a large profit, became common place. Category 1 – 50 points Speculation
Environmental disaster that impacted millions in the Midwest? - Dust Bowl Category 2 – 10 points
Hoover proposed _________________ as a way to fix the US economy during the Great Depression. Category 2 – 20 points Trickle Down Economics
Group of WW1 Veterans who set up a Hooverville in DC to protest not receiving their pensions. Bonus Army Category 2 – 30 points
Piece of legislation that was passed during Hoover’s administration Piece of legislation that was passed during Hoover’s administration. Intended to protect American products and improve the economy. Hawley – Smoot Tariff Category 2 – 40 points
Economist that stated that the government should directly intervene in the economy with public works projects in order to end the Great Depression. FDR agreed. John Maynard Keynes Category 2 – 50 points
Policy that gave aid to countries willing to resist communism Truman Doctrine Category 3 – 10 points
Match the correct leader to the civil rights organization that that he is associated with: A. SNCC 1. Huey Newton B. Black Panthers 2. MLK C. Nation of Islam 3. Stokely Carmichael D. SCLC 4. Malcom X A – 3/ B – 1/ C – 4/ D – 2 Category 3 – 20 points
In an attempt to counter Soviet Expansion the US created this organization - NATO Category 3 – 30 points
What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution do? Gave the President the power to send troops overseas without congress declaring war Category 3 – 40 points
Who was the commander of US troops in Vietnam? William Westmoreland Category 3 – 50 points
Who was Cesar Chavez? Latino American civil rights leader who founded the United Farm Workers union Category 4 – 10 points
What was the goal of Reagan’s economic policies? Decrease taxes and regulations on businesses in order to increase profit Greed is good Category 4 – 20 points
This set of documents provided the truth behind American involvement in Vietnam. 10 bonus points if you can name the other scandal the Nixon administration was involved in -Pentagon Papers and Watergate Category 4 – 30 points
This organization continues to fight for the rights of all women? - NOW (National Organization for Women) Category 4 – 40 points
This organization was created by the Nixon administration, even though it was a progressive organization, and sought to increase regulations for the environment. -EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Category 4 – 50 points
Define Trickle Down Economics - The idea that investing in big business and wealthy people would reach the people at the bottom of the economic ladder. Category 5 – 10 points
Who were the plumbers? - People hired by Nixon to stop the leaks of information Category 5 – 20 points
The rebel leader who demanded independence for Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh Category 5 – 30 points
After WW1 this president promised a “return to normalcy’ - Warren G. Harding Category 5 – 40 points
This organization wanted to create grassroots effort to that involved people from every socioeconomic spectrum. SNCC Category 5 – 50 points