Summary of session D: break out group 1


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of session D: break out group 1 Chair: Eva Royo Gelabert, EEA Notes: Birger Bjerkeng, ETC/WATER (NIVA) Rapporteur: Jesper H. Andersen, ETC/WATER (DHI) supported by 14 active, constructive, and nice persons Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen,

Part 1: Revision of EMMA WS3/4 The overall structure was discussed and confirmed: Chemicals in water, sediment, biota Radionuclides Biological effects Inputs Coordinated effort together with DG RES and DG ENV (and others) with the aim of achieving a better overview on marine data generated by RTD projects, IAEA activities, EMEP activities (in order to make use of data) is recommended Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Revision of EMMA WS3/4 Chemicals in water: Chemicals in biota: MED POL: No activities are planned BSC: Metal and hydrocarbons (proposed) WFD: CMA/PS process Chemicals in biota: HELCOM: Mercury in fish mussel HELCOM: Dioxins and furans in fish (under development) HELCOM: TBT (proposed) BSC: Romania – data on lead and Cd in mussels WFD: CMA/PS process for trend assessment? Strategy on Environment and Health – to be considered Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Revision of EMMA WS3/4 Chemicals in sediments: Radionuclides: BSC: Data sets from Turkey and Romania HELCOM: TBT (proposed) WFD: CMA/PS process for trend assessment? Radionuclides: HELCOM: MORS project – to be considered BSC: IAEA activity – to be considered Better collaboration with IAEA Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Revision of EMMA WS3/4 Biological effects of chemical pollution: BSC: No current activities Mussel watch incl. biological effects in 90’ies HELCOM: Seal health DEN, GER and SWE are doing ”OSPAR activities” in the Baltic Sea (e.g. imposex) Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

”Features”: Problem/priority chemicals, different sources of information: HELCOM: PFOS in biota WFD CMA/PS process REACH National screening activities Nordic Council of Ministers Sediment contamination: More or less covered Hot spot definition: Not a source, it’s an area A lot is going on, maps could be produced very soon Internal sources – to be considered Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

”Features”: Health: Bathing water (mostly microbiological contamination, but sometimes related to chemical contamination) Shellfish contamination, Food safety? Human safety? Monitoring and reporting programmes are operational and coordination should be considered… Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Other problems? Natural toxicants? DSP, PSP, ASP – to be considered along with eutrophication… Starting point ► nutrient enrichment End point ► Food and human health What are we talking about? Anthropogenic or natural pollution? Reference conditions and/or baseline values needs to be defined Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Chemical munition, wrecks etc. Dumped munition: HELCOM: Reporting of ’catches’ MED POL: First assessment of dumping of chemical munition, followed by questionnaire, assessment will be updated BSC: No planned activities Historical chemical dumping? Ship wrecks? Dumped of dredged material? Dumping of sewage sludge? To be considered (and linked to hot spots) Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Inputs of synthetic compounds Organic compounds Definition of synthetic vs. non-synthetic? HELCOM: Dioxin and furan deposition EMEP: More substances, could also cover MED and BS – to be considered BSC: Some data sets exist (pesticides, PCB, DDT, Lindane, etc.) WFD: Inputs of contaminants (priority substances and substances discharges in significant amount) – could be developed into European-wide pollution load compilations Links to EPER? To be considered Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Inputs of non-synthetic compounds Metals: BSC: Data set on metals from industrial sources EMEP: Could also cover MED and BS – to be considered Oil pollution: BSC: Data on frequency and volume of oil spills MED: MAP REMPEC: Information on oil spills Baseline budget including refineries JRC IPSC: Mapping of illegal operational oil discharges in BS, MED EMSA: Oil spills Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Inputs of non-synthetic compounds UWWTD BSC: Full inventory HELCOM PLC Level of treatment? Links to IPPC/EPER? To be considered What about brine from desalination and production of salt? To be considered in relation to WS1 and WS2 Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Inputs of radionuclides BSC: No ongoing activities Atmospheric deposition is missing Better collaboration with IAEA is recommended Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Conclusions for pan-European indicators, part 1 Water Limited relevance – rely on WFD for 12 nautical miles Sediments Relevant (prioritization of substances is important) status assessment temporal trend assessment Biota Very relevant Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Conclusions, part 1 Radionuclides: Relevant – consider close cooperation with IAEA and HELCOM MORS Biological effects of chemical pollution: Imposex: Very relevant (TBT specific) Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Conclusions, part 1 Dumping of dredged material, sewage sludge etc.: Relevant Inputs of synthetic compounds: Very relevant Inputs of metals: Very relevant Collaboration with EMEP is important (Atm dep)! Inputs of oil pollution: Very relevant Inputs from UWWT’s: Relevant, focus on connectivity and efficiency Inputs of radionuclides: Relevant Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Take home messages, part 1 Most of the available information and commonalities link to: Inputs of metals and synthetic compounds Chemicals in biota Oil pollution ”Low hanging fruits” for making better pan-European indicators could include: atmospheric deposition temporal trend assessment in sediments (if data from RTD activities and other sources are made available) Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Part 2: Candidate indicator WHS6 6 determinants (hazardous substances) Cd, Pb, Hg, DDT (DDE+DDE), Lindane, PCB7 4 species Mussel, cod, herring and flounder Q1: Is the selection of determinants and species adequate for the purpose of this indicator? More substances could be handled, e.g. PBDEs, PFOS and TBT Data from RTD activities could be included Expand fish to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Part 2: Candidate indicator WHS6 Q2: Are participants aware of their respective data-submission procedures (protocols, guidelines, etc.) and who the data coordinator are? 7 out of 17 answered YES Give Birger’s presentation to EIONET coordinator and provide feedback Q3: Is there adequate spatial and temporal representation? In general: NO Improve data flow from the Mediterranean Sea Black Sea: no present activities Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Part 2: Candidate indicator WHS6 Q4: Are there obvious gaps in the data? YES, see answers to Q1, Q2, and Q3 Q5: If so, why has this data not been included? No monitoring (Black Sea) Sloppy reporting (Mediterranean Sea) OSPAR + HELCOM areas: ICES QA procedures, better coverage Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Part 2: Candidate indicator WHS6 Q6: Duplication of Q2 Q7: How might the EEA and respective marine conventions enhance data submissions? Explain the purpose Include data from RTD activities Allocate the resources needed for reporting of data Streamline reporting (and make it slimmer) Use portals similar to the HELCOM Indicator Data Base Involve data providers, nationally and regionally Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Part 2: Candidate indicator WHS6 Q8: Do we like the maps and graphs? Fig. 1 is very informative Fig. 3 is difficult to read Some modification of symbols for the maps were discussed Q9: Are the statistics procedures adequate? Not discussed Q10: Are the criteria for classification of concentrations adequate? Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Conclusions, part 2 General conclusion: Recommendations: The fact sheet will be acceptable with some revisions It already illustrates key issues It could be further developed Graphs could be improved Recommendations: Expand fish to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea Increase the number of substances to capture emerging substances Include data from RTD activities etc. Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen, Date: Event:

Thank you for your attention Any tricky questions? Date/event: 17-18 April 2007, EMMA WS3, EEA HQ Author: Jesper Andersen,