Satire Laughter as a Weapon
Satire What is satire? A form of social and political protest using humor Uses irony and exaggeration to make fun of human faults and foolishness An attempt to correct human behavior
History of Satire Began with ancient Greeks but really flourished with ancient Rome where the fathers of satire, Horace and Juvenal, had their names given to the two basic types of satire.
Types of Satire Playfully amusing Horatian Juvenalian Playfully amusing Seeks to correct behavior with gentle laughter and understanding. It directs wit, exaggeration, and self- deprecating humor toward what it identifies as folly, rather than evil. Bitter and criticizing Seeks to ridicule corruption and incompetence with anger. This form is often pessimistic, characterized by irony, sarcasm, moral indignation and personal invective, with less emphasis on humor.
Satire Analysis Object of satire: What part of the object of satire does the author think needs to change? What should it change to? Devices used-for what purpose? Is it Horatian or Juvenalian? How do you know?
Rhetorical Devices Hyperbole Parody Pun Sarcasm Irony Invective How to Go Paleo SNL Skit You can Do Anything Jimmy Fallon "#Hasthtag"
John Holcroft-”Death of Literature”
Practice 1. List aspects of life/people/society you would wish to change. Aim for 8. 2. Pick one and reflect. How would you want it to change? Why?