Georgia Colony Founded in 1733 Joseph Gabriele, Nicole Lithgow, and Michael Gaddy
Key Terms James Oglethorpe: Founder of Georgia Cash Crop: an agricultural crop which is grown to sell for profit. Royal Colony: a colony governed directly by the crown through a governor and council appointed by it Chief Tomochici- chief of the Yamacraw Natives
History Founded by James Oglethorpe in 1733 The last of the 13 colonies to be settled Provided another chance for people who were in debt, a fresh start for them Colony acted as protection/buffer for the northern colonies from the French in Louisiana and the Spanish in Florida
Economics Georgia primarily made its money off agriculture and cash crops Main crops were sugar, indigo, and rice Traded crops for items they couldn't produce, ex. Shoes No slavery until it became a royal colony in 1752 Plantations became a major part of the economy after slavery was introduced
Demographics & Population Population of 2,021 in 1740 Population of 56,071 in 1780 African population 1,000 to 20,831 Men outnumber women Many colonists immigrated from widespread of places British Isles, Northern Europe, the Mediterranean
Culture Children had to learn useful home and life skills Women had the roles of breadwinners and housewives Young boys would go to school while the girls stayed home Nearly one in three colonists died from insects, heat, and disease Most people became small farmers Settlers had to build their homes, build fires, and find food
Native American Affairs Good relations Negotiated for land Chief Tomochichi was a sort of “co-founder” Oglethorpe Spoke through interpreter Gave Military funeral
Georgia Summary Founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe No slavery until 1752 when it became a royal colony Population increased to 56,071 in 1780 Agriculture was the main part of the economy Provided another chance for people in debt Protected northern colonies from the Spanish and French