What was the Scramble for Africa? Let’s Look Back... What was the Scramble for Africa?
The Scramble for Africa
Reason for Colonization For Europeans the only GOAL of colonization was… P-R-O-F-I-T
Effects of Colonization Some of the lasting effects of colonization were… Very few industries were established Unified regions were ripped apart and different ethnic groups were thrown together African people were given little to no political power by their colonizing country Robbed Africa of its resources
Calls for Independence Pan-Africanism(took hold in the 1920’s) The idea that people of African descent should work together to gain their independence Stressed unity and cooperation among all Africans World Wars In both World Wars Africans fought for their colonial leaders Ex-soldiers wanted their freedom
Challenges of Independence Between 1951 and 1990 most African colonies had gained their independence Some were given their independence while others had to take it through forces These countries faced many challenges with their independence Political Economic Environmental Social
Political Challenges African leaders had NO experience governing themselves which resulted in unstable governments These government were forced to deal with serious political issues such as… Disagreements between different groups of people Civil Wars Genocide Corruption Coup D’etat
Economic Challenges During the colonial period European countries saw Africa simply as a source of raw materials The Result… Very few industries were established therefore keeping Africa undeveloped and unindustrialized Most economies become based on agriculture
Environmental Challenges Since most of the African economies are based on agriculture there are certain challenges that they face Desertification Deserts are getting bigger by the day Deforestation Causes fertile land to wash away Less good land for farming Drought Long periods of time with no rain The result is famine caused by the extreme scarcity of food
Social Challenges Education Most children have to work to help the family Low literacy rate In most African countries less than 75% of the population has the ability to read and write Health Low life expectancy Diseases Spread by insects Unclean water Poor living conditions Viruses(AIDS)
Decolonization Reading Go back to Google Classroom Open the assignment Decolonization Reading Read and annotate the passage Answer the questions that follow the reading using the RAD strategy Turn in the assignment when completed
Exit Ticket #1 The Hitler Youth:The Nazis _____________: Chairman Mao Zedong The Red Guards The Little Red Book The Black Shirts The Da-Zi-Bao
Exit Ticket #2 Liberation: France _____________: Africa Industrialization Modernization Decolonization Apartheid