Warm Up 2/8 Write a Thesis statement arguing what was the greatest/lasting impact of The Great Depression on America.
February 8, 2018 Learning Target: I can describe the lasting impacts of the Great Depression I can identify the difference b/w evidence and analysis and how to use it. Upcoming Dates 2/9: Great Depression Tiz 2/9: HWP and 8 Warm Ups 2/16: Escapism Project Due Today: Take out: Notes/Pen(cil) Agenda: Lasting impact of GD Evidence/Analysis Sort Review for Test Skills: Research skills
Lasting effects of the Great Depression Organizations SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) SSA (Social Security Administration/Act) FHA (Federal Housing Administration) FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp) FLSA (Federal Labor Standards Act) Government structure itself would also change. Broader regulatory powers become far more accepted, especially during economic recessions. There will continue to be debate in political parties as to how extensive this should be and what types of regulation actually help.
Lasting effects of the Great Depression Psychological Toll Continuing fear People would develop tendencies to never waste, save everything, and always preparing Family units are separated and damaged Ashamed/desperate husbands and fathers would abandon families in search of work Teenagers would run away to ride the rails and find a way to survive Children were shipped to relatives and friends to live Many would never recover mentally from the strain of the Depression, but the overall mindset of the generation would become one of hard work and self- sustainability
Lasting effects of the Great Depression The further we get from the 1930s, the more the lessons of the era are forgotten. Many of the same mistakes are being repeated as Americans return to the era of getting rich quick and trying to live a life they cannot afford. Economic standards and regulations have loosened as well making our economy ever more volatile.
Evidence/Analysis Sorting Activity With the person across from you (find a partner if the desk in front of you is empty, otherwise, no moving) you will sort the sources into Evidence and Analysis One person’s desk will be the analysis side, the other evidence. Once you have sorted the sources, arrange them into 2 columns Those that should/could be quoted Those that should be paraphrased When finished, compare your results with the partnership next to you.
Test Review – Things to study A Storm Rises video notes Scottsboro notes FDR/Hoover philosophies Effect of Great Depression/Dust Bowl/New Deal on minorities and women New Deal goals (both first and second) FDR’s response to the banking crisis New Deal Agencies Know what their main purpose was Know the ones that we still have Use both class notes and pink sheet