St. Joan of Arc Early Learning Center Shelley Caldwell - 28 years in education; teacher; administrator; early childhood champion
New Location: 4186 Broadway Street Projected Opening: August 9th, 2018 QUICK TIP New Hours: 7:00 AM -6:00 PM
Mini-Monarchs: 6 -12 months 12-24 months 24-36 months Ratios: 4:1 6-24mos. 5:1 24-36mos. NOTE: potty trained 2 year olds can move to 3 year old classes
Caterpillars: Three Year Olds (two classes currently) Ratio: 10:1(Caterpillars) 12:1 (Butterflies) Butterflies: Four Year Olds (one class currently)
Accreditation: Goal is to reach Paths to Quality Level 3 by December 2018 Reaching Paths to Quality Accreditation Level 3 means we have a planned curriculum that supports children’s developmental readiness needs and we’ve made a significant investment in the professional development of our teachers. It means we also incorporate staff and family input into our program.
Preschool Expectations and Explorations SJOA has designed lessons that follow the Indiana Academic Foundation for Birth to Age 8 and are developmentally appropriate for children. By beginning these activities in an early childhood program, the success of the kindergartener is enhanced.
Activities Include: GROSS MOTOR, FINE MOTOR PRE-READING HEALTH AND SAFETY/MANNERS MATH, SCIENCE, ART, MUSIC Part-time Example: M, W and Every Other Friday OR T, TH Every Other Friday
Full & Part-time options: Full-time: Example: Monday-Friday 7:00-3:30 OR 7:00-12:30 Part-time Example: M, W and Every Other Friday OR T, TH Every Other Friday
Extended Care: 3:30-6:00 Late Fees: $5.00 per minute you are late for the first ten minutes and $10.00 per minute you are late beyond ten minutes
Lunches: Two week rotating menu Breakfast: Cereal bar, Cheerios, Craisins Snack: Salami, Cheese, Crackers, Applesauce
Lunches: Two week rotating menu Ham, Cheese Cubes, Crackers, Applesauce & A Veggie Lunch: Hummus, Pita Chips, Carrot Sticks, Gogurt, Apple Slices
“Relationship” to SJOA Factors that Determine Cost Registration Fee Age of child “Relationship” to SJOA (Grandfathered Students, Teacher’s Child, Parishioner, Neighbor (MKNA Zone 2 & 4), Other)
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