Overview of TigerSHARC processor ADSP-TS101 Compute Operations * 07/16/96 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. Overview of TigerSHARC processor ADSP-TS101 Compute Operations Steve Daeninck, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada smithmr @ ucalgary.ca *
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor To be tackled today Reference sources Register file and operations ALU operations MAC operations (Multiply and accumulate) SHIFTER operations Common errors Example exercises 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Reference Sources ADSP-TS101 TigerSHARC Processor Programming Reference, Analog Devices web site. ADSP-TS101 TigerSHARC Hardware Reference, Analog Devices web site. ENEL619.23 Course, Reference and Laboratory Notes. 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor
Register File and COMPUTE Units Key Points Each block can load/store 4x32bit registers in a cycle. 4 inputs to Compute block, but only 3 Outputs to Register Block. Highly parallel operations UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Register File - Syntax Key Points Each Block has 32x32 bit Data registers Each register can store 4x8 bit, 2x16 bit or 1x32 bit words. Registers can be combined into dual or quad groups. These groups can store 8, 16, 32, 40 or 64 bit words. XSR3:2 -> 4x16 bit words XFR1:0 -> 1x40 bit float XR7 -> 1x32 bit word XBR3:0 -> 16x8 bit words Multiple of 4 Multiple of 2 XLR7:6 -> 1x64 bit word Register Syntax 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor
Register File – BIT STORAGE * 07/16/96 128 bit examples are not shown but they are the same. 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
Volatile Data Registers * 07/16/96 Volatile registers – no need to save 24 Volatile Data registers in each block XR0 – XR23 YR0 – YR23 2 ALU summation registers in each block XPR0, XPR1, YPR0, YPR1 5 MAC accumulate registers in each block XMR0 – XMR3, YMR0 – YMR3 XMR4, YMR4 – Overflow registers PR stands for parallel results register MR stands for Multiplier results register 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) * 07/16/96 2x64 bit input paths 2x64 bit output paths 8, 16, 32, or 64 bit addition/subtraction - Fixed-point 32 or 64 bit logical operations - fixed-point 32 or 40 bit floating-point operations DAB – Data Alignment Buffer(2x128 bit FIFO)-> used to align misaligned quad or dual 32 bit data loads 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
Sample ALU Instruction * 07/16/96 Example of 16 bit addition XYSR1:0 = R31:30 + R25:24 Performs addition in X and Y Compute Blocks Other additions/subtractions look the same, but use 32 or 8 bits 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
Sample ALU Instructions * 07/16/96 A neat instruction is the sideways addition sum (SUM) Fixed-Point Floating-Point 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Example * 07/16/96 int x_two = 64, y_two = 16; int x_three = 128, y_three = 8; int x_four = 128, y_four = 8; int x_five = 64, y_five = 16; int x_odd = 0, y_odd = 0; int x_even = 0, y_even = 0; x_odd = x_five + x_three; x_even = x_four + x_two; y_odd = y_five + y_three; y_even = y_four + y_two; XR2 = 64;; XR3 = 128;; XR4 = 128;; XR5 = 64;; YR2 = 16;; YR3 = 8;; YR4 = 8;; YR5 = 16;; XYR1:0 = R5:4 + R3:2;; //XR1 = x_odd, XR0 = x_even //YR1 = y_odd, YR1 = y_even nice example of the tigerSharc, it accomplishes thecode in less lines than C 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Multiplier * 07/16/96 Operates on fixed, floating and complex numbers. Fixed-Point numbers 32x32 bit with 32 or 64 bit results 4 (16x16 bit) with 4x16 or 4x32 bit results Data compaction inputs – 16, 32, 64 bits, outputs 16, 32 bit results Floating-Point numbers 32x32 bit with 32 bit result 40x40 bit with 40 bit result Complex Numbers 32x32 bit with results stored in MR register Fixed-point only Complex – imaginary part is in the MSB part of the 32 bit word 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Multiplier * 07/16/96 XR2 = MR3:2, XMR3:2 = R3*R5;; if integer multiply, R2 gets MR2, if Fractional gets MR3 MR stands for Multiplier results register XR0 = R1*R2;; XR1:0 = R3*R5;; XMR1:0 = R3*R5;; //uses XMR4 overflow XR2 = MR3:2, XMR3:2 = R3*R5;; XR3:2 = MR1:0, XMR1:0 = R3*R5;; XFR0 = R1*R2;; XFR1:0 = R3:2*R5:4;; //40 bit multiply //32 bit mantissa 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Multiplier * 07/16/96 16 bit multiplies results can be 16 bit or 32 bit RED for 16 bit, Blue for 32 bit MR4 contains four overflow bits for every MR register No need to tell the instruction if it is a short or normal word XR5:4 = R1:0*R3:2;;(16 bit results) XR7:4 = R3:2*R5:4;; (32 bit results) XMR1:0 += R3:2*R5:4;;(16 bit results) XMR3:0 += R3:2*R5:4;; (32 bit results) XR3:2 = MR3:2, XMR3:2 = R1:0*R5:4;; (16 bit results) XR3:0 = MR3:0, XMR3:0 = R1:0*R5:4;; (32 bit results) 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Practice Examples Convert from “C” into assembly code – use volatile registers long int value = 6; long int number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = number * temp; float value = 6; float number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = number * temp; 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor
Avoiding common design errors * 07/16/96 float value = 6.0; float number = 7.0; long int temp = 8; value = value + (float) 1; number = number + (float) 2; temp = (int) (value + number); XR12 = 6.0;; XR13 = 7.0;; XR18 = 8;; XR0 = 1.0;; XR1 = 2.0;; XFR12 = R12 + R0;; XFR13 = R13 + R1;; XFR14 = R12 + R13;; XR18 = FIX FR14;; Questionable if XFR12 = 1.0;; is allowed, assembler complains XR23:22 = 10.0;; not allowed, there may not be an immediate load for 40 bit floats 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
Avoiding common design errors * 07/16/96 Convert from “C” into assembly code – use volatile registers float value = 6.0; float number = 7.0; long int temp = 8; value = number * (float) temp; XR12 = 6.0;; //valueF12 XR13 = 7.0;;//numberF13 XR18 = 8;; //tempR18 //(float)tempR18 XFR18 = FLOAT R18;; //valueF12 = numberF13 * tempF18 XFR12 = R13 * R18;; XFR23:22 = R21*R22;; not allowed 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Shifter Instructions * 07/16/96 FEXT – bit field extraction, FDEP – bit field deposit 2x64 bit input paths and 2x64 bit output paths 32, or 64 bit shifting operations 32 or 64 bit manipulation operations 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor *
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Examples long int value = 128; long int high, low; low = value >> 2; high = value << 2; POSITIVE VALUE – LEFT SHIFT NEGATIVE VALUE – RIGHT SHIFT XR0 = 2;; XR1 = -XR2;; XR2 = 128;; //low = value >> 2; XR23 = ASHIFT XR2 BY –2;; Or XR23 = ASHIFT XR2 BY XR1;; //high = value << 2; XR22 = ASHIFT XR2 BY 2;; XR22 = ASHIFT XR2 BY XR0;; 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor TS101 ALU instructions Under the RIGHT conditions can do multiple operations in a single instruction. Instruction line has 4x32 bit instruction slots. Can do 2 Compute and 2 memory operations. This is actually 4 Compute operations counting both compute blocks. One instruction per unit of a compute block, ie. ALU. Since there are only 3 result buses, only one unit (ALU or Multiplier) can use 2 result buses. Not all instructions can be used in parallel. 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor
Dual Operation Examples FRm = Rx + Ry, FRn = Rx – Ry;; Note that uses 4(8) different registers and not 6(12) The source registers used around the + and – must be the same. Can be floating(single or extended precision) or fixed(32 or 64 bit) add/subtract. FRm = MRa, MRa += Rx * Ry;; MRa must be the same register(s) Can be used on fixed(32 or 64 bit results), floating(32 or 40 bit results) and complex numbers. 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor
ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor Tackled today Reference sources Register file and operations ALU operations Multiplier operations SHIFTER operations Common errors Example exercises 1/12/2019 ENEL 619.23 -- Review of TigerSHARC Processor