Expression of IL-1α in goblet cells and their destruction during DSS-induced colitis. Expression of IL-1α in goblet cells and their destruction during DSS-induced colitis. (A) Colon tissue from control WT mice costained with anti-IL-1α (green) and antimucin (red) antibodies (×60 magnification). Photomicrographs of colon sections from WT and IL-1α KO mice and cohoused mice were obtained on day 14 after initiation of DSS treatment and were stained with alcian blue to identify goblet cells. (B) WT mice; (C) IL-1α KO mice; (D) cohoused IL-1α mice; (E) cohoused WT mice. Moran Nunberg et al. mSystems 2018; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00213-17