Communication – a reminder of some obligations from the CPR Boris Kandziora, Directorate-General for Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion ESF Technical Working Group, Brussels, 24 March 2015
Nomination of communication officers 117 (1) – National information & communication officer(s) 117 (3) – Person responsible for information and communication at OP level 117 (4) Designated Members for Union networks (INIO) SFC
National communication officer - tasks Coordination of national network Website or website portal, including list of operations An overview of communication measures undertaken at Member State level
National website or website portal Information on, and access to, all OPs List of operations Including information on implementation and any public consultations Examples of operations, by OP (either on national website or on OP website)
Communication strategies Adoption by Monitoring Committee (no more validation by Commission) Recommened: upload to SFC