Ten year Capital Improvement Program and Preliminary Bond Information Land Development Committee September 2011
Areas of Discussion Ten Year CIP Summary Slides Graphic Summary Detailed cash flow(handouts) Summary Slides Fairbanks, Maslin Maulin Statewide Survey LAO Infrastructure Study (handouts) Preliminary Bond Information RBC Capital Markets Continuation of August 3, 2011 discussion on Revenue and Entrepreneurial Activities Project Delivery Models Legal Framework Technical Overview
Capital Improvement Program Spending
Proposed Capital Improvement Projects New Buildings Project Total Project Cost (6/11 est.) External Funding Local Funding OCC Maritime Academy $8,444,040 $6,533,305 $1,910,735 CCC Garden Grove Joint Use Student Center TBD Subtotal Building Replacement GWC Science & Math $77,627,802 $53,487,463 $24,140,339 GWC Criminal Justice Training Center $18,415,801 $10,338,684 $8,077,117 GWC Language Arts Complex $33,571,588 $19,242,956 $14,328,632 GWC Business & Social Science Building $44,776,982 $22,388,491 GWC Cosmetology Building $15,760,875 $0 GWC Campus Safety Building $1,495,728 OCC Language Arts Center $44,725,021 $32,793,767 $11,931,254 OCC Business, Math, Computing Center $43,629,000 OCC Student Union Complex $46,602,674 OCC Administration Building $14,416,178 OCC Planetarium $9,800,000 OCC Recycling Enterprise $1,972,000 $352,793,649 $151,519,089 $201,274,560
Proposed Capital Improvement Projects (cont.) Renovation/Modernization Project Total Project Cost (6/11 est.) External Funding Local Funding CCC Le-Jao Student Learning Support Center $3,485,241 $1,848,844 $1,636,397 CCC Garden Grove Learning Support Center $2,259,180 $1,807,344 $451,836 CCC Garden Grove Classroom Renovation $1,912,464 $956,232 CCC College Center Student Support Center $8,341,212 $4,170,606 CCC Newport Beach Student Support Center $1,021,140 $816,912 $204,228 GWC Student Services Center $20,826,073 $16,100,857 $4,725,216 GWC Technology Building Renovation $13,187,567 $7,912,540 $5,275,027 GWC Design Technology Renovation $1,836,000 $0 GWC Community Center Renovation $4,184,547 GWC Rehabilitation Center Renovation $980,536 GWC Central Warehouse Renovation $4,532,038 OCC Chemistry Renovation $21,104,511 $15,078,385 $6,026,126 OCC Skill Center Renovation $8,856,785 $5,314,071 $3,542,714 OCC Adaptive P.E./Pool/Gym $22,423,835 OCC College Support Center $5,651,016 Subtotal $120,602,145 $54,005,791 $66,596,354 Equipment District-wide Technology Refresh $52,786,760
Proposed Capital Improvement Projects (cont.) Building Infrastructure Project Total Project Cost (6/11 est.) External Funding Local Funding CCC $8,583,152 $0 GWC $35,332,045 OCC $29,288,125 Subtotal $73,203,322 Other Projects OCC Parking Structure $29,400,000 CCC NBLC Photovoltaic System $1,200,000 DIST Housing/Mixed Use Development TBD GWC Housing/Mixed Use Development OCC Mixed Use Development GWC Physical Education Outdoor Labs $4,950,000 $2,475,000 GWC Boys & Girls Club Gymnasium $35,550,000 $33,075,000
The Bottom Line: Escalated Local Cost (3.6% annually) $610,598,821 Project Total Project Cost External Funding Local Funding New Buildings $8,444,040 $6,533,305 $1,910,735 Building Replacement $352,793,649 $151,519,089 $201,274,560 Renovation/Modernization $120,602,145 $54,005,791 $66,596,354 Equipment (Technology) $52,786,760 $0 Building Infrastructure $73,203,322 Other Projects $35,550,000 $2,475,000 $33,075,000 Site Acquisition CCC Le-Jao Site Acquisition $4,862,500 CCC Newport Beach Site Acquisition $8,320,000 Debt Repayment CCC NBLC Debt Repayment $20,000,000 District-wide Contingency Infrastructure $31,765,882 Parking/Vehicular Circulation $7,025,000 Pedestrian Circulation $14,215,000 Site Improvements $6,925,000 Demolition $3,630,000 Swing Space $4,235,000 Equipment/Furnishings $15,410,250 Construction Management $33,449,016 Total CIP Estimate (Present Value) $793,217,564 $214,533,185 $578,684,379 Escalated Local Cost (3.6% annually) $610,598,821
Secure required local match funds Why Move Now? Time Value of Money Total program cost escalates to $655,230,311 if delayed two years and $703,256,072 if delayed four years. Secure required local match funds In the event of a State-wide facilities bond in 2012, District would need: - local commitment of $24M to secure $53M in State funds in 2012 - local commitment of $20M to secure $43M in State funds in 2013 - local commitment of $29M to secure $59M in State funds in 2014
Board Room 6:30 PM
Coast Community College District Bond Information September 6, 2011
Coast CCD – Assessed Valuation Chart Source: CalMuni
$40 Million Project – Lease Revenue Bonds Scenario
Measure C and 2012 Election – Tax Rate Combination
Standalone 2012 Election – Tax Rates per $100,000 Assessed Value