Treatment of Pathogens Pathogens and Disease unit
How do you treat bacterial infections? To treat you can use antibiotics Antibiotic means the destruction of life This works by only attacking cells with a cell wall. Cells in the human body do not have a cell wall, so it only disintegrates the cell walls of bacteria.
Prevention of Bacteria Wash hands with consistently throughout the day Care for your immune system Cook food thoroughly Cover your mouth and nose Stay away from ill people
Link to how antibiotics work
Treatment for Viruses You can only treat symptoms of a virus since it is not living you cannot destroy it. Your body eliminates the infected cell with B and T cells so it can no longer reproduce the virus. Vaccines are more specific to a type of virus than antibiotics which covers a wide range.
Prevention for viruses Vaccines are used to prevent different viruses. Make sure you keep your hands clean and wash them often throughout the day Stay away from ill people How vaccines work: * Inject using a needle or spray into a person. The liquid contains the live virus (weakened) these will ask as teachers to the immune system so they can build up antibodies for it, or the inactivated virus which makes your body produce more antibodies. *
Antibodies attacking a virus cell
Treatment of Fungus Oral medications Ointments Creams Sprays (tinactin) All the above kill the growth on the fungi
Prevention of Fungi Wash your self regularly Wash clothes especially if you have been exercising in them. Keep dry Avoid walking barefoot Discard old shoes
Treatment of Parasites Specific parasite targeting medications Some antibacterial also work against parasites. Metronidazole can block the reproduction cycle of some parasites as well as some bacteria. There are some antiparasitic drugs that are only available directly from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and your doctor must specifically request them from the CDC.
Prevention of Parasites Check your body for ticks, fleas, lice, etc.. Take medication prescribed to you prior to a trip Drink clean, bottled water when traveling Wash your hands, especially when coming into contact with contaminated food, water, and feces Cook food to recommended temperatures and practice good hand hygiene Avoid swallowing water in lakes, streams, or ponds
Parasites in human intestine oM