Bellringer Download today’s notes: Home Front Notes


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Presentation transcript:

Bellringer Download today’s notes: Home Front Notes Answer the following question: What is total war? How does total war affect citizens?

Mobilization for War WWII was even more of a total war than WWI Fighting was more widespread Mobilization (the act of assembling and preparing for war) was greater in economies and with women More civilians were killed – 20 million Civilian life was greatly impacted in the Soviet Union, the U.S., Germany, and Japan

The Soviet Union Great land battles and incredible ruthlessness Huge affect on civilians City of Leningrad – under siege for 900 days, people ate dogs cats and mice, 1.5 million died here alone Factories moved east War production led to severe shortages of food and housing Women worked in industries, mines, and railroads Only country to use women in battle! (snipers and bomber squadrons)

“We defended Leningrad! We will restore it!”

The United States Home front was much different than other major powers. Why? Huge war production for the Allies – 6 ships a day and 96,000 planes per year Industrial boomtowns faced housing and school shortages African Americans moved from the South to the North and West for jobs – created racial tensions in new areas – also served in segregated military units 110,000 Japanese Americans on the West Coast sent to “internment camps” – 65% born in U.S.

Rosie the Riveter

Germany Not much support for the war at home. Hitler tried to avoid sacrifices at home to gain support early on – had to change after they started losing Total mobilization for war came too late to save Germany Do you think the war might have taken a different course if Hitler had mobilized the home front sooner? Why do you think he didn’t?

Japan Japan was already highly mobilized because of war with China Culture of obedience and sacrifice – kamikaze (suicide pilots) Did not use women to meet labor shortages – high value on family system

Bombing of Cities Bombing was used against military targets, enemy troops, and civilian populations – made the home front a dangerous place – believed to be an effective way to force governments to make peace. Why do you think bombing was much more used in WW2 than in WW1? London Blitz - bombed nightly by Germany in Sept.- Nov. 1940 – thousands killed, one million homes destroyed – however, morale remained high British launched major bombing raids in German cities in 1942 -1945 Half a million citizens died, millions of buildings destroyed

London Blitz

Bombing of Cities Allies launched attacks in Japan beginning in 1944 – ¼ of its dwellings and many of its industries destroyed by 1945 First atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima 190,000 people killed here alone 5 square miles turned to ash 70,000 of 76,000 buildings destroyed Second bomb dropped in Nagasaki – another 80,000 killed Marks the beginning of the Nuclear Age – other nations raced to build their own nuclear weapons

Atomic Bomb Video Aftermath of Bomb:

Homework Read 17.3! Next couple of weeks: Check Wordpress daily for your assignments!!