PR ON A BUDGET - TIPS & BEST PRACTICES PROMOTE YOUR PROGRAM/SERVICES YEAR-ROUND Email newsletter distributed at least quarterly will keep your people, partners and potential supporters close and informed SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOW ESSENTIAL TO COMMUNICATE WITH SENIORS Especially true if you want to recruit 50-65 demographic into your world Post on a regular basis, not just right when you need response Vary content It doesn’t need to be about your activities all the time - Share health and fitness links, positive stories about aging, interesting items such as inspirational quotes, memes, etc. Have FUN with it, and so will readers. Then they will share and bring more followers Facebook and Instagram continue to grow in 50+ use. Twitter is most effective for reaching media, corporate and community stakeholders Family Connections- look up and Like/Follow other aligned organizations and community partners; actively encourage your athletes to read, Like and Share your page If you don’t/can’t have a dedicated Facebook page, provide content on your hosted page as often as possible
PR ON A BUDGET - TIPS & BEST PRACTICES WEBSITE CONTENT– MAKE THE EFFORT TO GO BEYOND BASICS It’s more than an information desk – it’s your store display window. Draw them in, get them to stay longer, give them a reason to come back Athletes, media, volunteers and sponsors/patrons/grant resources check out your website before taking action. Give them a reason to follow through Engaging photos of activities increase reader engagement. Photo galleries are always popular Link current newsletter (and archive past) on your website Share links to any media coverage/online PR you get on your website and on social media. Produce athlete features or vignettes- people love them!
PR ON A BUDGET - TIPS & BEST PRACTICES WEBSITE CONTENT– MAKE THE EFFORT TO GO BEYOND BASICS Create your own features section Feature can be a photo and 100 words each, or linked to a media story. It doesn’t need to be long and time-consuming to create Other essential Website elements NSGA Logo on home page History of National Senior Games should be added to your own history page to reinforce relationship with larger Senior Games Movement and national championship event 2018-19 NSGA Showcase Video – A powerful tool to recruit new athletes and engage community. Place on your website and use at meetings and events to create impact
PR ON A BUDGET - TIPS & BEST PRACTICES LOCAL MEDIA RELATIONS TIPS It’s all about relationships and regular contact Build a list with as many specific contacts as possible and add them to your newsletter list Yes, there can be a lot of turnover in media – update list AT LEAST annually Use the media list for occasional targeted information emails with future dates, sport and wellness programs info, athlete honors or records set, etc. Touch base with key contacts during the year, not just when you need help Email has become the preferred method of contact, but don’t fall into the trap – call your priority contacts to ask if they got the email, which is a great opportunity for further engagement Invite 50+ age media personalities and celebrities to “get into the game” or perhaps suggest setting up a fun sport demo/challenge for the reporter to get involved in Pre-written 200-300 word stories or information sheets with attached photo have a higher chance of being published. Make it easy for them to use/adapt
PR ON A BUDGET - TIPS & BEST PRACTICES STORY TELLING All PR and marketing is based on telling great stories Your athletes ARE the story! Solicit stories and share them any way your can Promote in communications and at your games – offer an Athlete Story form. Make it easy to get response. Just ask for basics (name, age, sport, town) and request 100 words or less for their background. People sometimes think they have to take the time to write a big article and don’t send anything If you can, find a volunteer with writing/PR experience to assist. There may even be opportunity to enlist a college communications major to intern Ask your staff, volunteers, family, anyone who is in contact with your consumers to “nominate” their favorite people with interesting story angles Some of the best subjects are shy. Sometimes others will tell you about peers they know that have inspiring or interesting stories People who want to share their story are also potentially great ambassadors to share your message and offerings!