Universiti Malaya Malaysia


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Presentation transcript:

Universiti Malaya Malaysia Application to CMS July 2013 Wan Ahmad Tajuddin WAN ABDULLAH / UM

Introduction Malaysia & Universiti Malaya – towards excellence

Malaysia tallest buildings in the world 1998 (tallest twin towers) VISION 2020 earliest ICT initiative To be developed nation 1996 by 2020 oldest rainforests in the world best diving spot in the world longest canopy walk in the world GERD/GDP (%): 2010 0.79 2011 1.07

Universiti Malaya Oldest university in Malaysia (1949) Comprehensive - same ancestry as National University of Singapore (UM in KL 1959, split 1962) - Skyrme (1961-1964) Comprehensive - 24000 students (40% postgrads, to be 50% by 2015) – 30% international - 2500 academic staff Research university status since 2006 - 1 of 5 - research emphasis, special research funding Top-ranked in Malaysia - aiming to be top 100 in the world by 2015 (now 127 (QS)) - extra funding for high-impact research

Projected computing resources to provide CMS Tier-2 node

Projection Current Tier-2 average (backup available current commodity line: 2 Gbs-1) Projection Current Tier-2 average

Computing personnel (0.5 FTE)

Human resource experiences and strengths

The CMS group – scientists/acads, postdocs, students experience 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 WWA TASSO: track s/w ZAI ZEUS: electronics FMI ZEUS: hadron cal CB CMS: muon det IY ATLAS: trigger MS ATLAS: pixel det AMA CMS: computing JK CMS: heavy trigger IA tbn ZZ Summer student AA FM available @ CERN masters

Possible areas of interest Computing, grid – setup of Tier-2 site, procurement in process EM Calorimetry – ECAL gap correction already started Muon detection – triggering – LS2 upgrade discussion initiated Higgs & Higgsinos, especially with channels with photons/electrons Heavy flavours, especially with channels with muons Jets and fragmentation SUSY – two-photons – initial discussions done

Institutional commitment Academy of Sciences Malaysia and Universiti Malaya synergy

Academy of Sciences Malaysia Facilitate collaboration at national level EOI with CMS signed, ICA with CERN soon Setup of National Centre for Particle Physics primarily for collaborating with CMS Fund postdoctoral fellow at CERN funds already available Secure long-term funding negotiations with the Ministry of Science, Tech & Innov ASM President & DG ASM President & SP

Universiti Malaya Host National Centre for Particle Physics – approved, waiting for signing Provide immediate funding – initial funding already available Recruit particle physicists – academics, postdoctoral fellows Set up grid site – hardware, physical location, technical and operations support

Thank you