The Byzantine Empire Unit: Rome
Essential Question: After the Roman Empire was split, why did the eastern empire survive after the western empire fell??
Emperors Rule from Constantinople Forum Emperors Rule from Constantinople Hagia Sophia Built on the site of an ancient Greek city, Byzantium. Located on a peninsula between the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople. Power shifts from Rome to the east. Constantinople becomes the “new” Rome. The Forum and Hippodrome were build to Rival the Colosseum and Circus Maximas. The Hagia Sophia, built by Justinian, was considered the greatest church of its time (now a Islamic mosque). Note that it is a walled city that would protect it for nearly 1,000 years against invasions. Discuss how it’s geographic location promoted trade with other cultures. Hippodrome Imperial Palace
Justinian & Theodora Justinian wanted to reunite the old Roman Empire. He conquered Italy and much land around the Mediterranean. He examined Rome’s laws and organized them into a legal system called the Justinian’s Code. Removed out-of-date and unchristian laws Simplified Roman law to give fair treatment to all Built Hagia Sophia. In 532 CE his enemies tried to overthrow him. Justinian fled, but Theodora convinced him to stay. Theodora was smart, powerful, and advised Justinian on how to end the riots. She created laws to aid women and children and to end government corruption
Watch The Dark Ages video from 23:00-35:00. (Skip 29:00 to 30:00)
A New Society in the East: Byzantine Empire Easterners spoke Greek instead of Latin. Scholars began to study Greek philosophers, not Roman ones. Constantinople’s crossroads location encouraged trade with people from other cultures and ultimately influenced Byzantine society. Byzantine emperors had more power than Roman emperors. Chosen by God to lead the empire and the church Despite differences, Byzantines never stopped thinking of themselves as Romans
Byzantine Christianity Christianity was very important to both the East and the West. People in the East and West began to interpret elements of Christianity differently. Eastern priests could get married, but Western priests could not. Religious services were performed in Greek in the East and in Latin in the West. In the 1000s CE the East broke away from the West and formed the Eastern Orthodox Church.