Process and Project Metrics Keeping Your Project on Track
Why We Measure To Characterize Evaluate Predict Improve develop understanding of the thing measured Evaluate Determine status Determine “goodness” or “badness” Predict Improve
Project Metrics Purposes Schedule Oriented Quality Oriented Create and Maintain Schedule Improve Quality Schedule Oriented Requirements-Oriented Use-cases, sub-systems, similar systems Size-Oriented Lines of Code (LOC) Function Points (FP) Object-Oriented Scenarios, key and support classes, sub-systems Development-Oriented Earned Value Analysis (see Chapter 27, Section 6 7/e, Chapter 24, Section 6 6/e) Quality Oriented Defect Removal Efficiency: DRE = E / (E + D) Mean-Time-To-Repair FTR Results
Process Metrics Metrics Kept on Overall Process Examples: Time and Effort Time to respond (e.g., to request for new system, change order, etc.) Effort to respond (e.g., person-work required)
Additional Points of Emphasis What most influences software quality (key point, pg 668 7/e, 619 6/e) The workplace inertia against metrics (1st and 2nd paragraphs, section 25.4 pgs 682-683 7/e, pgs 22.4, pgs 632-633 6/e) Qualities which measures must possess to be effective (last paragraph pg 683 7/e, 1st paragraph, pg 634 6/e)